They suspect that before the raid, food was removed in private trucks

The more than five million kilos of food stored in two warehouses in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Tucumán remain undistributed. The government mocks the Judiciary, but it does so with such clumsiness that it does not notice that failing to comply – in one way or another – with the precautionary order issued by Judge Sebastián Casanello and ratified by the Federal Chamber is equivalent to a virtual confession of the crime that The file is investigated: failure to comply with the duties of a public official.

In this context, a situation began to take hold that has not yet been proven, nor is it in the file, but circulates with increasing insistence on the periphery of the judicial case. In the days prior to the raids carried out on Saturday, June 1 by Casanello – at the request of prosecutor Paloma Ochoa – did six “private” trucks leave, each guarded by two private vehicles, from the Villa Martelli warehouse heading to the province of Buenos Aires, in the direction of Saladillo?

The complaints, Juan Grabois and the Civil Association El Amanecer de los Cartoneros heard similar stories. They talk about trucks that do not belong to official organizations, nor to transport companies, but rather to informal contracts. Independent freight drivers who loaded the load, accompanied them to the outskirts of Saladillo (each truck with a car in front and another behind, as a guard), ordered their drivers to wait 48 hours, paid them and returned their money. empty vehicles.

Did those trucks exist? If so, what were they transporting?

Government spokespersons boast that no expired food was found in the raids ordered by Casanello.

As part of the investigation, the income and expenses to the Villa Martelli deposit are being analyzed. Until now, inconsistencies have been detected between the lists of stored food that Capital Humano recorded in the file and the inventory prepared as a result of the raid.

The C5N news channel reported that 157 thousand kilos of food are missing. According to the Traffic Law –2449–, semi-trailer trucks or trucks with trailers cannot exceed a total weight of 45 tons. Six trucks could hold up to 270 thousand kilos. It is still not entirely clear how much and what would not coincide between what was declared and what is actually stored.

Article 255 of the Penal Code establishes penalties of between one month and four years in prison for anyone who “steals, alters, hides, destroys or renders unusable in whole or in part objects intended to serve as evidence before the competent authority.” If the author is the same depositary, he will also suffer special disqualification for double time. If a private person does it, it is a crime; If a public official does it, it is a scandal.

The precautionary order that orders the distribution of food was ordered within the framework of a case, 357/2024, initiated in February by Juan Grabois precisely because the government did not supply the soup kitchens in which millions of Argentines have access to the only thing they eat in the day. The Ministry of Human Capital, according to the complaint, fails to comply with a duty. This is how the case arose in which – it was proven – Grabois was right.

«Given the direct and specific requirements of this Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation did not answer the question regarding the delivery or not of food during the months of December 2023 and January, February and March 2024. In relation “To the assertions outlined by the Ministry that describe the multiple irregularities that would have been noticed in the food distribution process until December 10, 2023, no documentary, testimonial, or analytical evidence was provided to support them,” an opinion states. of prosecutors Paloma Ochoa and Andrés Nazer.

On April 9, Capital Humano presented a brief to the prosecutor’s office in which it stated that “there is no program, plan or rule in the regulatory digest that approves procedural or operational manuals that determine mechanisms for the distribution or delivery of food. There are no regulations that determine the food distribution processes and registration requirements. In other words, the delivery of food did not respond to logic, but to the demand of the establishments/organizations and the political definition of the authority.

However, after the House ruling that required it to present a plan for the immediate distribution of food within 24 hours, Capital Humano reported that the powdered milk was going to be distributed by the CONIN Foundation – run by controversial pediatrician Abel Albino – under of the Argentine National Plan against Hunger and National Food Emergency, established by decree and extended by law. That is to say: after saying that there was no “program, plan or rule” for the distribution of food, the same government not only recognized but applied at least two – which did exist, indeed – to distribute powdered milk.

It is, almost, a confession.

From the reading of the ruling of the Federal Chamber, especially the vote of Judge Eduardo Farah and some winks from Martín Irurzun, they seem to indicate that Comodoro Py is beginning to smell blood.

Regarding the remaining five tons of food, the government only announced that it will distribute them in “vulnerable schools” (not in canteens that depend on social or ecclesiastical organizations) but did not indicate which ones, where they are, or with what criteria they will be chosen (it alluded to a formula of three factors that has not yet been created) nor, even less, when the distribution will begin.

To establish whether a public official fails to fulfill his or her duties, there must be “deceit”, that is, a willingness not to do what is due knowingly.

The Code, for now, does not punish the useless. «

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