They investigate a “suicide pact” between a retired couple: the woman survived and told the situation they were going through

They investigate a “suicide pact” between a retired couple: the woman survived and told the situation they were going through
They investigate a “suicide pact” between a retired couple: the woman survived and told the situation they were going through

Four of the eleven arrested were minors (Córdoba Police)

The Justice of Córdoba investigates an apparent suicide pact in a couple of retired. The man (80) died, but the woman (70) survived and she revealed the reasons that led them to make this decision, while she remains hospitalized in a hospital in Third River.

The case shocked the town of Villa del Pradolocated about 30 kilometers away from Cordoba capital, after a neighbor of the couple reported what happened to the local police. Upon requesting assistance, the officers confirmed that the man was dead, but that the woman still had vital signs.

The investigation of what happened fell into the hands of the 2nd shift prosecutor of Alta Gracia, Alejandro Peralta Otonello, who will confirm or rule out whether it was a suicide pact as such. According to the woman’s version, the decision to make an attempt on their lives had been planned months ago by the two, as a result of several family difficulties that they had to go through.

According to the information obtained by, one of the reasons was that her husband had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and doctors had predicted that he had only a few months to live. The second reason that led them to make the decision was the sudden death of a child, something that would have plunged the marriage into a deep depression.

A neighbor alerted the Police after hearing noises and screams (Courtesy: El Doce)

In this way, the survivor said that the old man had stabbed her six times, at which time she had become unconscious. Apparently, she believed that she was dead, so she proceeded to hang herself. However, the plan had not come to fruition, because the woman regained consciousness moments later and, when she tried to deepen her injuries, police officers broke into her home and saved her life. life.

At the moment, the cause of the case has not been defined, because the investigator will seek to elucidate if it was indeed a suicide pact or if the man had tried to murder his wife, and then hanged himself. The distrust on the part of the authorities arises from other femicides that pretended to be an agreement between the parties.

In recent months, suspicions arose around the death of a couple who was found near Lake Embalse, in the commune of San Ignacio, in the Department of Calamuchita. In the area where the bodies were found, the victims’ cars, a Toyota Hilux truck and a Chery QQ car, were also found.

After area residents alerted emergency services about the presence of the dead couple, authorities confirmed that the victims were a 54-year-old man and a 49-year-old woman who were married and were from Villa Incor, in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita.

Investigators determined the 54-year-old man had murdered his wife

Although there were no previous complaints of gender violence in the couple, the investigating prosecutor of Río Tercero, Paula Bruera, maintained that the main hypothesis indicated that it would have been a femicide followed by suicide. The cover arose as a result of the testimonies collected from the couple’s neighbors, since they recognized before the Court that the couple had a conflictive relationship.

For this reason, the researcher used the results of the autopsies carried out on the couple to establish the origin of the deaths. Although there was a possibility that it was a suicide pact, Bruera revealed that the man had attacked the woman before committing suicide.

Forensic experts confirmed the presence of multiple blows and bruises in the areas of the legs, arms, chest and head. After beating her, it is believed that the attacker ended up suffocating her with a rope that he tied around her neck and, finally, left her body lying on the ground. The hypothesis of femicide followed by suicide gained greater strength when it was determined that there was an hour difference between the deaths. In addition, the femicide chose to hang from the branch of a tree in the area that allowed him to remain suspended over the corpse of his wife.

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