Movimiento Original and its first Movistar Arena: “Making music in Chile is easy, the difficult thing is being recognized”

Movimiento Original and its first Movistar Arena: “Making music in Chile is easy, the difficult thing is being recognized”
Movimiento Original and its first Movistar Arena: “Making music in Chile is easy, the difficult thing is being recognized”

September was the month chosen for the first Movistar Arena of Original movement, one of the fundamental hip-hop groups on the national scene.

A unique and unrepeatable concert titled “Get ready?” which celebrates its 18-year career and five studio albums, accompanied by those who have been part of the journey, led by MC Piri and Semillah Skillzand other guests to be announced soon.

“This may be the only time that all the band members and all their guests meet. This opportunity may not happen again, so it will be something unique, epic and beautiful. “You can’t miss it,” he told her. Stailok to The fourth.

For its part, DJ Acres added: “It is going to be a show that we do not have in mind to continue doing elsewhere“It will be kept in everyone’s memory for the rest of their days.”

– This is the first Movistar Arena of Original Movement, and you have been on different stages, when does this show arrive?

Stailok: It came at the time it had to come, I think. Neither before nor after, it had to be now. With a lot of experience on other stages, so as not to get so scared, although the nerves will always be there before a show, but I think that now we are prepared to do an event of this magnitude, with the experience we have had, and you cachai po’, we are dry (laughs). But we are also happy about this step.

– They must have many surprises prepared, but is there anything they can reveal?

Dj Acres: The big surprise that we already shared is that there will be Piri, one of the members who left the group, and Semilla, who was also one of the first members. Piri left the group a while ago, he embarked on his solo career and people are still asking about him, so it is super nice to be able to invite him and for people to be able to see him there with us playing live.

The 18 years of career: “We congratulate each other in public and challenge each other in private”

– They come to this Movistar with a new album “Sobre el aire”, but they are also going to take a tour of their discography. How will that be?

Dj Acres: Great! We are going to have these guys as guests and people are going to be able to listen to the old songs with them, which is what people want, and we are also going to show them the new songs. And there are a lot of surprises coming, so if we announce them it will stop being a surprise, but they will soon know, because we are already working on that announcement.

– It’s been 18 years of career, what has been the best thing about all this time working together?

Stailok: I think we have come together quite a bit as people, a beautiful friendship has been born thanks to music. I can say that we are family now, because Acres is with Aerstame, hiding (laughs). I think that is the most beautiful thing, because music made us family, it is what I have rescued the most of all.

-And what has been the most complex?

Stailok: I think that like in any family, there are difficult moments, and it is important to talk, tell each other things, the discomforts, the inconveniences, always say them, and if one says it with respect, the other should be mature and understand it with respect as well. I think we handle that very well, that’s why we get along well and have been together for so many years. When someone disagrees, he puts it on the table and we talk about it so that the three of us agree, or the majority also wins, because in the end it is for the common good. We congratulate each other in public and challenge each other in private, as it should be.

– Is there someone who puts a strong hand when there are small internal conflicts?

Stailok: All three. There have been times when any of the three disagrees with something and says “hey guys, I don’t think this is right,” and then someone else can defend the point.

Dj Acres: On many occasions we finish the shows and we ourselves realize mistakes and admit it: “hey, damn, sorry for what happened, I was wrong about this.”

Stailok: Almost always when we go down, we tell ourselves the faults.

Dj Acres: There is great trust there to be able to tell us things in the moment.

Stailok: We have this habit of always telling each other when someone failed in the show, but that’s also like training, I’m not saying that it has to go perfect, when everything goes well we hardly say anything to each other or we just look at each other and it’s fine, as it should. Well, we are not doing anyone a favor, because it just has to turn out well, that is our law; So when someone makes a mistake we say it immediately so that it doesn’t happen again, that is appreciated because you don’t have to carry anyone, it is respect for your teammates, that is valued.

– They are super perfectionists, do they review the videos?

Stailok: The shows, suddenly… Well, nowadays one reviews history, we don’t have someone recording us, but soon we will. But of course, we are super self-demanding. Now, for example, we are going to have a video clip that we are going to release and we have seen it like 15 times in a little while. We saw it to check if it had any flaws or things like that. We give a lot of thought to work, honestly.

Movimiento Original and its first Movistar Arena: “Making music in Chile is easy, the difficult thing is being recognized”

The urban scene and recognition

– You are one of the most influential bands on the national urban scene, which have paved the way for new generations. Have you felt their recognition?

Acres: I believe that there is a recognition on their part, there is a respect on their part towards us, I have noticed it, I have experienced it when I meet someone, I don’t know, with the Cister, with Pablo or with the Pailita; and there is respect on our part towards them too, because in my personal opinion, I have realized that they have also taught us how to do things, how to work, how good at work they are. At 5 tomorrow morning the kids are in the studio recording, and that is a learning experience for one, because in truth we didn’t do it before. And there is mutual respect there. You can hear DrefQuila say that one of the first rap groups he heard was Movimiento Original, he said it live, I was at the show, so it’s cool, it’s highly respected and appreciated as well.

And there is something that they also have in common, which is the beginnings and self-management, both them and you, for example, recording in the blue piece…

Acres: It’s nice, because from having so little, and now personally I can’t say that I have much, or that I have so many luxuries, but you can clearly see an evolution. We are no longer in the blue room, which is where we recorded.

Stailok: Now everyone has their piece.

They both laugh.

Acres: Where we recorded at Aerstame’s house, for example, now it has a professional studio, I also have my things here in my house to be able to record. So of course, there is a very big evolution in terms of all these years.

Is it very difficult to make music in Chile?

Acres: I believe that making music now is not difficult either in Chile or anywhere in the world, that your music is recognized. That’s the difficult thing.

Stailok: Making easy music, a microphone, a card…

Acres: Anyone can make music with little technology, due to the advances in programs and everything you need to do, but I think the difficult thing is to be recognized for the music you are making.

Stailok: And stay.

Returning to your first Movistar Arena, is there any other stage that you dream of?

Acres: I dream of Vineyard. A couple of years ago I got the bug and said: “today I would love to play there with the goats.” And I feel that it can be achieved, that is, if it happens, if they invite us, if they call us, I at least would have no problem going. It’s a big stage that I feel like Original Movement is missing.

Has there been any rapprochement with production?

Acres: Not at the moment, but just like Movistar, which was the first question you asked, which did not have to be before or after, it had to be now, I believe that this is what will happen with Viña, it will be the moment that has to happen.

Movimiento Original will be presented on September 1 at Movistar Arena. Tickets are available through the Puntoticket system.

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