Milei and Pettovello met for more than four hours in Olivos in the midst of the crisis in Human Capital

Milei and Pettovello met for more than four hours in Olivos in the midst of the crisis in Human Capital
Milei and Pettovello met for more than four hours in Olivos in the midst of the crisis in Human Capital


President Javier Milei and the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, met this Saturday at the official residence of Olivos, where they met for more than four hours. The meeting between the President and the minister, who are also personal friends, began with a working breakfast and extended to lunch. “Sandra brought new ideas that were being looked at“, they told THE NATION high government sources aware of what was discussed.

Pettovello has just lived for two weeks in which he was at the center of controversy after the UTEP leader made a complaint about undistributed food. Juan Grabois, and in the midst of the incessant departure of officials from his portfolio, which already amounts to more than 40 officials, in six months of management. During his meeting this Saturday with Pettovello, the president also spoke by telephone with the head of the Treasury Palace, Luis “Toto” Caputo.

“Sandra is stronger than ever”said from the highest levels of government about the continuity of Pettovello, whose continuity this week was strongly questioned. “They are going to promote more complaints and fight even more against corruption”, completed the sources consulted about the next steps in Human Capital, which concentrates the former portfolios of Work, Education, Social Development and Culture. In all these areas, departures of officials were recorded in these six months of management, while in recent weeks they were the ones that recorded the greatest events that generated controversies, even in Justice with the setback of the Federal Chamber for the Government, in what refers to the social area.

Sandra Pettovello and Pablo De la Torre, in a meeting in February

Since the case became known, Milei did not hesitate to publicly support her friend and official, whom she considered “the best minister in history” and his sister, Karina, General Secretary of the Presidency and one of the most influential people within the scheme of the libertarian administration, also supported her in statements to the media. It was when she broke her usual low profile by leaving Congress and responding to a query to say that Pettovello “She is one of the best ministers we have.”.

Pettovello’s situation has been affected in recent days not only by the undistributed food scandal, but also by the controversial departure of Pablo de la TorreSecretary of Children of his position, in the midst of a complaint against him for a contract with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), which the ministry itself promoted.

In parallel to all this, Milei gave several public displays of support for Pettovello, whom she not only supported with her statements but also visited her ministry on Carlos Pellegrini Street last Monday and then received her in her office in Casa Rosada. where she attended for the inauguration of Guillermo Francos as Chief of Staff.

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