Bases Law: they anticipate a strong political struggle inside and outside the Senate

Wednesday’s session where the so-called Bases Law and the fiscal package will be surrounded by a strong political struggle, from the previous days and on the same day, inside and outside the premises. Both the ruling party and the opposition have put it as the main short-term objective: some for its sanction and others for its rejection.

With Pablo Moyano at the helm, A group of union, political and social leaders called to march next Wednesday to the Senate of the Nation, when the Base Law is voted on. Everything indicates that the great mobilization of January will be replicated, when the CGT called for a march to Congress at a time when the Chamber of Deputies was discussing the so-called “Omnibus law”, the precursor to the current limited version of the Bases Law.

The trucker leader and member of the triumvirate led by the CGT was the voice of the call: «On Wednesday starting at 9 in the morning, all workers, retirees and all sectors of society that are affected If the law is passed, we will gather in Congress Plaza to tell all the senators who are still doubting their vote to think that they have a historic opportunity. “Either they become heroes of the Homeland or they are going to be traitors, because they are going to harm our people,” was the harangued warning mix of the co-secretary general of the CGT.

Along with Moyano were the general secretary of one of the Argentine CTAs, Hugo Yasky; the general secretaries of Smata, Ricardo Pignanelli, and of La Bancaria, Sergio Palazzo; the reference of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo-Founding Line, Taty Almeida; and the Minister of Infrastructure and Public Services of Buenos Aires, Gabriel Katopodis, among others.

The absences of Héctor Daer and Carlos Acuña, the other two members of the Cegetista triumvirate, triggered reports of a certain reluctance to leave on the part of the small table. “The most likely thing is that the CGT will mobilize,” However, a leader linked to the leadership told this newspaper. Another union source added: “It fell badly within the CGT that Moyano cut himself off with the announcement alone to mobilize.”

For now, the national Justicialist Party has not formally convened either. ““I think he will do it these days because that’s how we left off at the last meeting of the party’s National Council,” said Hugo Yasky. The presence of Katopodis at the press conference confirmed that Governor Kicillof and the Buenos Aires mayors support the march.

Bases Law and the fiscal package, among the government’s emergencies

The libertarian government seems to bet all its chips on the Bases Law. Urged by a political coup after the cabinet crisis that led to the expulsion of Nicolás Posse and the complaints of corruption within the Ministry of Human Capital led by Sandra Pettovello, The approval of the emblematic Bases Law will allow the national government to breathe, also worn down by the rise in country risk above 1,500 points and the collapse of sovereign bonds (despite Friday’s rebound).

In Casa Rosada they hope to balance the opposition mobilization with the inflation data that Indec will publish that day, number that would mark a decrease compared to April, although around 5 points, a certainly high number.

This week, the Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos, one of the operators of the Base Law, received seven governors at Casa Rosada, where he explained to them the need to convince the senators to complete the sanction that the Deputies already gave. This week will continue to receive representatives for possible transfers and financing of works in exchange for support.

On the other hand, the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich Yesterday he launched strong accusations against the opposition and warned that he will apply the anti-picket protocol to the march that the CGT called for Wednesday.

“They have not given this Government instruments. Every government that begins must have them. We hope that the Bases Law will come out on Wednesday. The country risk and the dollar rose due to all these decouplings,” said the official. Bullrich was forceful about the actions of the security forces outside Congress. “The streets are for driving and the squares are for protesting. If the goal is to provoke the protocol, then we will put more force into preventing them from doing so. If they are there all day, they will have to be orderly.”

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