Jhon Álex Castaño sang on horseback in Pennsylvania (Caldas)

Bruno accepts rectification request

Manizales. “Last Tuesday, with great sadness, I sent a WhatsApp about the horrible aerial situation in Manizales,” is how Bruno Seidel Arango, former manager of the Chec, begins to write the request for rectification made by former mayor Germán Cardona Gutiérrez. He added that, “in an imprecise manner, but in good faith, I gave the former mayor the following phrase that he clarifies to me has never been used by him: ‘In Manizales, not those who want to live, but those who can’ live.’ I sincerely apologize for this mistake. However, as I mentioned yesterday, I will continue to use the phrase in question, because I believe it fits our reality,” Bruno pointed out.

Little care with Palogrande


Manizales. The Palogrande stadium not only suffers from the lack of care of the Once Caldas Club, which has it on loan, and the little investment from previous mayors that today has it in poor condition, but also because the fans do not collaborate. It is already a custom to see some standing on the chairs, which are also quite dirty. Thus, it is quite difficult to maintain a structure in good condition. Where is the love and passion that the fans say they have for the team? Because without a stadium they would be lame.

Arango returns home

Manizales. Former councilor and social leader Adriana Arango Mejía, who renounced her membership in the Green Alliance Party, for which she held a seat in the Council in recent years, decided to join the Dignity and Commitment Party in Caldas, led by Sergio Fajardo in the country. and former senator Jorge Enrique Robledo. She and Robledo were active in the Alternative Democratic Pole. That’s why she feels like coming home. She said in a press release that she arrives with the firm purpose of building a party in Caldas and promoting the great transformations that the department and the country require.

You have to measure yourself, gentlemen secretaries

Photo | Taken from Facebook | HOMELAND

Manizales. What is written on social networks from official accounts must have all the rigor so that it does not go beyond what is strictly state and conforms to the law. But this apparently was not taken into account by the Secretary of Development, Employment and Innovation of Caldas, Daissy Lorena Alzate Moreno, who reacted to a publication by the president of the Assembly, María Isabel Gaviria, from MIRA, under the account of that Secretariat. and wrote: “Public officials who leave their mark and are an example and inspiration for other women.” A lot of attention for her and the rest of the office secretaries, since actions like this could get them into legal trouble for alleged participation in politics.

He came in and sang on horseback

Pennsylvania. As an introduction to the Equine Exhibition Fair, about three thousand people filled the Citizen Integration Center coliseum to attend the concert of Jhon Álex Castaño, with El Chico
Jaramillo and Kevin Muñoz as local artist. A particular event was the arrival of Jhon Álex Castaño, who entered on horseback and on a track prepared for it, he performed some songs as Jinete, which drew applause from the audience that was already in Equine Exhibition mode. The concert was a complete success.

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