It attracted more than 240 thousand visitors in two days

It attracted more than 240 thousand visitors in two days
It attracted more than 240 thousand visitors in two days

Potencia 2024 became a total success. On Saturday (today is the last day) more than 180 thousand people visited it and on Friday, on its first day, 60 thousand. In total, more than 240 thousand visitors have already passed by in two days, this speaks of the enormous expectation that it aroused in each of the Salteños.

Potencia 2024 became a total success. On Saturday (today is the last day) more than 180 thousand people visited it and on Friday, on its first day, 60 thousand. In total, more than 240 thousand visitors have already passed by in two days, this speaks of the enormous expectation that it aroused in each of the Salteños.

This is the third edition, called andn the Salta Convention Center (Limache) to 1,117 entrepreneurs. It has 86 gastronomic pointshas entertainment spaces for families and it is from free entry.

“This fair is held with a federal perspective with the participation of entrepreneurs from different parts of the province who are committed to innovation and creativity to get ahead and that is why we accompany them so that they continue with that same strength,” said Gustavo Sáenz. .

Potencia 2024 will also be open today, Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Governor affirmed that the Government of the Province of Salta will continue to provide the tools for entrepreneurs to continue growing, progressing and generating jobs.

Inside the premises, Visitors will find three giant structural tents (A, B, C) where they can visit both stands and gazebos arranged outdoors.

You can also enjoy four covered food courts made up of food trucks and gazebos, a beer garden, a soft plaza with games and a playground for children.

The categories participating in the third edition correspond to cosmetics, gastronomy, accessories, clothing, home, services, technology, packaged foods, crafts and footwear, among others.

Those interested in purchasing products can do so by paying in cash, MODO or with a credit card in up to six interest-free installments through the Viumi system.


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