Unusual, two babies were buried in the same coffin due to a clinic error in Armenia

Unusual, two babies were buried in the same coffin due to a clinic error in Armenia
Unusual, two babies were buried in the same coffin due to a clinic error in Armenia


The unfortunate case occurred at the La Sagrada Familia Clinic in the city where Gloria Patricia Gomez She was attended for a birth, but I never imagined that The happiest day of his life would turn into a nightmare.

Precisely the baby was born with breathing difficulties so he had to be transferred to an incubator where he finally died. Added to the tragedy of the loss of her baby was the disappearance of the body since no one gave him reason in order to give him a Christian burial.

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In dialogue with Caracol Radio, the mother showed her anguish what he had to go through to find the whereabouts of his newborn son. He said it was disconcerting that the body was moved without his permission. to the cemetery of his municipality and without obtaining any clear answer about the entire situation.

“I I left on Friday to claim my baby and I arrived at the clinic at 2 in the afternoon and arrived at the third floor. and I ask the doctor to give me the release order, she gives it to me and I went to the funeral home to pass all the documentation so they could pick up my baby’s body, the boy who was going to pick up my baby came up to me. the clinic and 15 minutes pass and he gives the report to his boss and tells him no, the baby is not in the morgue, the Lord tells him to go to pathology.Let’s see if the baby is in pathology, because my baby was not in pathology either. “He tells me to go and look for his baby and see what response they give him at the clinic,” she said.

He added: “I I’m going to the main office there of the Sagrada Familia They didn’t even let me in, no, there was nothing to do there, that’s what I had to do with the social worker that they They weren’t going to give me an answer there. I went back to the social worker’s office. and she shows up at 6:30 in the afternoon I sit down and My baby tells me that the day my baby died another one passed away. baby from here, and then he tells me that the other baby’s family came to claim their baby and that they took mine as well, that they took both babies and that my baby is buried here in Montenegro.”

He assured that he will put the formal complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday, June 11 to prevent similar cases from being presented in the department.

Quindío Health Secretariat begins investigations

About the Secretary of Health of the department, Carlos Alberto Gómez Chacón He maintained that they know about the case since they have carried out the respective accompaniment. He acknowledged that by mistake on the part of the Clinic they delivered the two bodies to the Funeral Home process and These in turn are buried in the same coffin in the cemetery of the municipality of Montenegro.

Secretary of Health of Quindío, Carlos Alberto Gómez

Said In response to the complaint, they began investigations and accompanied the exhumation process. where finally each of the families was able to say their last goodbye to their babies. He added that they are advancing the review of protocols of both the clinic and the funeral home to establish the actions that may be taken due to this unfortunate event.

The clinic has not issued any statement on the matter. despite the prior consultation made by Caracol Radio.

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