From the Frigate Libertad to the whales, the full moon shines in Patagonia: the most impressive photos in Puerto Madryn

Roberto Listro likes to leave Puerto Madryn to explore the coast of Chubut with friends as passionate as he is about nature and photography. And within that world, the night images shine with their own light in this point of Patagonia where when moving a few kilometers away from the city the light pollution dilutes. Last week he told us about the Milky Way and the stars, today the topic is also exciting: the full moon. Here, the story of him.

To photograph the full moon there are two techniques, one is to place the camera on top of a tripod, and the other is to hold the camera freehand. Each of them has its advantage and disadvantage. By using a tripod, we can focus more easily, and it is something that is essential if we also want to make a video. But if what we want, in addition to photographing the moon, is to make a composition with another object or subject, such as aa beacon, lighthouse, a whale or birds that fly in front of the moon, moving or even running to be able to position ourselves with the camera on a tripod can make the task very difficult. And even worse, risk tripping and injuring ourselves, or damaging our photography equipment.

Full moon and a southern right whale.

If we use the other freehand option, it gives us the possibility of moving more easily, but as a disadvantage we have to increase the shutter speed. To explain it in an easier way, we have to program the camera to take a photo faster, and ensure that the image does not look blurry.

It is the opposite of what we do when we photograph the Milky Way or the stars.where to take a long exposure photograph of about 15 seconds or more, you have to lower the shutter speed until that time, and in that case, yes or yes, place the camera on a tripod so that the image does not look blurry.

The Milky Way photographed from scratch Advanced, 17 km from Puerto Madryn

Another option is to take it out on a new moon or when it is not full. When taking these photographsWe can more easily see the craters in its central part.

Although currently we have the possibility of downloading an application on our phone that shows us the position and where the moon will rise on the horizon, The ideal is one or two nights before the full moon, go see where it rises, and calculate where it is choose the desired place to make the composition.

New Moon.

If in the composition we want to add an object that is fixed, such as a beacon, it is simpler, but If it is a whale, we will surely have to run along the coast the moment the moon rises until we can position ourselves to get the desired photo. Unless we are lucky enough that a whale just happens to pass in front of us with the moon behind us. That rarely happens, if not ever. We always have to run.

Something that happens in this area when the The full moon begins to rise behind the sea, it has an intense yellow color. And as it rises, it turns its characteristic white color.

Full moon captured from the coast of Puerto Madryn.

The Frigate Libertad in Puerto Madryn

One of the photographs that I most enjoyed taking was when the Frigate Libertad visited Puerto Madryn. It coincided with the full moon, and as I explained previously, achieving the composition of positioning the moon behind the frigate was quite a challenge, and obviously I had to run along the coast with the camera in tow until I achieved what I wanted.

The Frigate Libertad in Puerto Madryn

Many times when we publish these photographs, or any other nature photograph, we usually say “what a coincidence that you were just there.” But the reality is that behind each photograph there is a lot of effort, time dedicated to training, time to obtain the photograph of that day, a lot of trial and error until learning the technique, cold nights, and other issues. No photograph comes about by chance, over time we learn to place ourselves in the right place to get the desired photograph.

Maybe that’s why we are so passionate about wildlife and nature photography, and in my case underwater too. It has a difficulty that catches you. And the most valuable thing, we learn to observe nature with different eyes, to value each species, take care of it, and we really enjoy being in those magical places to try to take a good photograph.

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