How to travel to Pinar del Río?

How to travel to Pinar del Río?
How to travel to Pinar del Río?

Given the complaints from the population, dissatisfied with the fact that last minute sales of departures to Pinar del Río were made at the Villanueva terminal, which is located in the opposite direction, the possible use of the Train Station is being evaluated, so that said sales lie there…

A few days ago, as part of the Minister of Transportation’s tour Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, rMade through different places of interest in Havana, they reach the train station located near the intersection of 100th Street and Rancho Boyeros Avenue. This is a station currently used by travelers on the Artemisa – Havana, Batabanó – Havana and Pinar del Río – Havana trains.

As reported recently, in the face of numerous complaints from the population, dissatisfied with the fact that the last minute sales of the departures to Pinar del Río of the National Bus Company (EON) were made at the Villanueva terminal, which is located in the direction On the contrary, delaying trips, the possible use of this station was being evaluated, so that said sales could be based there.

By making this decision, there is a positive effect that people would have several options in the same place to materialize their trip. We are referring to trains, buses and even private porters who we hope will also join this idea, today dispersed throughout the area. It is a place close to the beginning of the Havana-Pinar highway, which is another element in its favor.

Well, the objective of this visit was to check with all those involved, the progress of this process. According to the progress of the coordination, the start of last-minute sales of the EON to Pinar is expected, starting next month, once the necessary connectivity for ticket sales is enabled, new banks are enabled and Precisely design the entire operation flow that is added to this place.

While there, the train that was traveling on time in the direction of Havana-Artemisa passed by, and it was shared with the passengers just before boarding, everyone expressed their satisfaction with the service. Likewise, an exchange was made with a group of passengers who were waiting for the train that would circulate about two hours later in the direction of Havana – Pinar del Río, a recently reestablished service. Simple people, old people, young people, women, men, children, were happy with the railway service.

The colleagues of the Railway Union (UFC), together with those of the Automotive Business Group (GEA) and especially the General Directorate of Transportation of the Capital (DGTH), have before them the responsibility of enabling this station, to receive more people, organize the gastronomic service in coordination with the territorial authorities, advance in marketing through the Apk Viajando and have enough benches for comfortable waiting of passengers, the provision of a space for infants, a review of the connectivity of this station with the public transportation service, among other actions that are shared there.

The support of the Party and the Government of Havana in this endeavor is appreciated in advance and it is hoped the prompt transformation of this station for the benefit of passengers.

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