Clipping of projects of the Buenos Aires Legislature (08.04.24)

Clipping of projects of the Buenos Aires Legislature (08.04.24)
Clipping of projects of the Buenos Aires Legislature (08.04.24)

Buenos Aires Deputies presents a new weekly project monitor of the Buenos Aires Legislaturewhich is nothing more nor less than a summary of the key initiatives that were presented, that advanced or that generated noise in recent days.

This week the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate Buenos Aires They undertook the study in committees of important projects, they received several initiatives with political volume through the input table and they witnessed the beginning of the opposition resistance to the camp project of workers’ compensation.

Health Emergencies Company

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This week the project of the Executive Branch of creation of the Health Emergencies Company obtained the approval of the Budget Committee and was ready to enter the premises of the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies. As reported by this media, the intention of the ruling party was to discuss it next Wednesday, but the session was postponed due to the discussion of the Bases Law in the national Senate. Eyes are on the agreeable libertarians.

Single Paper Ballot and Clean Token

In it Buenos Aires Senatethe opposition put on the agenda of the Political Reform and Electoral Regime Commission the projects of single paper ballot and of clean sheet. With the endorsement of the ruling party, the Together for Change interblock managed to leave both initiatives under study and to begin negotiating a schedule of exhibitors, which will be an extension of the extensive debate carried out by the same body in 2022. Although the opposition has the presidency, Union for the Homeland controls half plus one of the members.

The fight for the PRO seal

In the internal opposition, the communication that was raised in the last hours by the representative of the PRO in the province of Buenos Aires, Luciano Gómez Alvariñoto the president of the lower house, Alejandro Dichiarato expressly ask you to “refrain from validating the name of any new political bloc that includes the total or partial use of the name.”PRO – Republican Proposal‘”. The text is part of the Macrista advance on the benches PRO Freedomwho will have to defend their seal and various charges.

Kicillof’s food quota project

One of the outstanding initiatives of the week that began to be studied in the General Legislation Commission of the Buenos Aires Senate It was the project sent by the governor, Axel Kicillof, to facilitate the mechanisms for claiming food quotasguarantee compliance with children’s rights, strengthen the autonomy of women and achieve a rapid, agile and flexible judicial response, among other aspects. The data is conclusive: almost seven out of ten women do not collect the food fee in the province of Buenos Aires.

Labor indemnities

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Last week the La Cámpora labor compensation projectwhich has a half sanction, took parliamentary status in the Buenos Aires Senate and generated a wave of questions from opposition blocs and different business chambers. “We believe that this project is untimely and is truly crazy… this scares the businessman away from making common causes with the Buenos Aires political leaders,” said the head of the General Business Confederation of the Argentine Republic (CGERA), Marcelo Fernandez, in contact with Buenos Aires Deputies. The entity presented a request for a hearing with Vice Governor Verónica Magario. Next Wednesday the interblock of Together for Change and the libertarians they will receive SME entrepreneurs to pressure.

Buenos Aires Indec

Another parliamentary proposal that was under study in the State Political Reform Commissionbut of the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputieswas that of the radical Emiliano Balbinthat proposes the creation of a Buenos Aires INDEC to be in charge of official statistics and provincial censuses. This is an article that the legislator of the Sixth electoral section promoted for the first time in 2020.

Changes to the regulations of Deputies

Also in the Low camerathe liberal deputy of the Free uniblock, Guillermo Castelloentered a project for modify the internal regulations of that body so that initiatives with budgetary expenditures include cost estimates and investment plans. “Legislative populism is characterized by a notorious disregard for the economic and fiscal consequences“, chicane Castello.

They ask to question Sileoni

The Buenos Aires PRO deputy, Julieta Quintero Chasmanin the last few hours he presented a project to question the General Director of Culture and Education of the province of Buenos Aires, Alberto Sileonidue to the modification of the academic regime of the secondary schools from 2025, which includes the elimination of repetition. For her part, on the same Thursday of the announcements, the Buenos Aires senator from the PRO and president of the Education commission of the upper house, Smoked Walnut, promoted an initiative to repudiate the changes.

Provincial co-participation

The new bullrichist block PRO Freedom presented a project in the Chamber of Deputies to modify the provincial co-participation indexin the midst of the internal conflict with radicalism over the distribution of the $116 billion agreed with Axel Kicillof in the Buenos Aires Legislature Last December. “The distribution criteria in relation to health led to inequalities in access to the health system and a reduction in efficiency in the allocation of resources at the local level,” explained the author, Abigail Gomez, in an interview with this medium.

Accessible beaches

The Commission on Real Equality of Treatment and Opportunities and Disability of the Buenos Aires Senate achieved a laborious office that unified two accessible beach initiatives by Ahumada and his radical peer Flavia Delmonte. The proposal contemplates benefits such as advertising spaces in the media and/or public campaigns and articulation of government tourism infrastructure projects for the spas that allow accessibility for disabled people or people with reduced mobility.

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