They arrested a woman in Entre Ríos who abused her own daughter, filmed her and spread the images on the Internet

Agents of the Cyber ​​Crimes against Children and Adolescents Division, dependent on the Superintendence of Federal Investigations of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA), arrested a woman accused of sexually abusing her minor daughter in the Entre Ríos city of Concepción del Uruguay. , film it, take photos of it and spread the material on the Internet.

lThe investigation began in May, after an alert issued by Interpol’s Crimes Against Minors Team, regarding the content of a series of images in the Child Sexual Exploitation Database (ICSE), which would be evidence of a succession of abuses. in Argentina, specifically in Entre Ríos territory, and that they would show the accused and the victim.

In the raided home they found drugs and drawings with sexual content.

Given the seriousness of the incident, the Fiscal Instruction Unit No. 3 of Concepción del Uruguay, headed by prosecutor Gabriela Sero, requested the immediate intervention of the Division’s personnel, with the objective of rescuing the minor and arresting those responsible. .

During the investigation, analysts carried out an in-depth study of a video posted on the Internet in a series called “Plusbelle”, where they detected that a woman was speaking to a third person before performing oral sex on a girl, who was apparently her eldest daughter.

Likewise, the researchers managed to find important information related to the aggressor and detected a large number of photographs showing the possibly abused girl, whose physical features coincided with the minor in the video they analyzed.

A man, the partner of the detained woman, was also arrested.


With all the material that was obtained, Justice finally ordered a raid on the defendant’s home in that city to arrest her and rescue the victim.

When they arrived at the house, the Federal Police observed that a few meters away there was a woman with characteristics identical to the accused, who, upon seeing the police cell phones, tried to leave the scene. However, the agents reacted quickly and prevented her escape.

Inside the house, investigators found the accused’s children, ages 12 and 8, and provided them with psychological support at the time.

It was not the only thing: in the raid they seized a large number of high-end electronic devices, children’s games with sexual connotations, annotations with names of profiles and pages of child sexual abuse, drawings with sexual content, computer elements and storage devices, according to detailed the sources consulted by this medium.

Likewise, they also found and seized almost one and a half kilos of fractionated marijuana, 88 Cannabis Sativa seeds, 10 grams of cocaine hydrochloride and other fractionation elements. For this reason, the Police also arrested a man, the partner of the children’s mother.

They accused him of violating Law 23,737 (on Drugs), with the intervention of the Narcotics Thematic Prosecutor’s Unit on duty, in the City of Concepción, Uruguay. It was not specified whether the man is also linked to the child sexual abuse case.


The rescued minors were transferred along with the Police psychologist and personnel from the Minor and Family Police Station, so they could be interviewed and continue with the investigation.

With respect to the accused, all the corresponding procedural measures were ordered and she was lodged in the Cybercrime Directorate of the Entre Ríos Police, for issues of jurisdiction and competence.

The detainee, as well as the seized items, were at the disposal of Justice, within the framework of a case being brought against her for the crimes of corruption of minors and sexual exploitation on the Internet.

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