They capture the rapist who “scared” Cienfuegos

They capture the rapist who “scared” Cienfuegos
They capture the rapist who “scared” Cienfuegos

Photo: Shutterstock

Text: Fede Gayardo

The Cuban Ministry of the Interior (Minint) reported the capture by its special forces of a “rapist” who “in recent days frightened the people” in the province of Cienfuegos.

The note was published in the state newspaper 5 de Septiembre, where the identity of Dunién Tomás Miranda Hernández, who was arrested in the early hours of June 7 in the municipality of Aguada de Pasajeros, was made public.

According to the text, Miranda is allegedly involved in “two acts of rape against young girls” and was nicknamed by the population as “the rapist.”

His first crime, according to preliminary information from the Minint, took place on May 22 when he raped a 16-year-old girl who was walking along the well-known Calle Ancha in the capital of Cienfuegos at dawn.

Then, two days later, he committed another attack around 4:00 am on a 17-year-old girl who was leaving a bar on the central Bulevar de San Fernando, also in Cienfuegos.

The MInint investigations indicated that in both attacks “the subject used intimidation and took advantage of his physical strength to abuse these young women, even through the use of a knife.”

Regarding the aggressor, they add that “he has accumulated a history of violent behavior against women that has led him to prison on other occasions.”

The report from the aforementioned media assures that on June 2, Miranda was located by the authorities in areas of the San Lázaro neighborhood, “but the indiscretion of a neighbor ruined the operation organized for his capture.”

On that same date, the Minint located him in Aguada de Pasajeros, where he was finally arrested after “an accurate and cautious operation that lasted five days.”

Miranda remained since the beginning of this week in a residence near the Aguada de Pasajeros Hospital, the report adds, thus denying the residents’ reports made to the Cienfuegos Police that placed him “always in neighborhoods of the main city.”

Currently, his involvement in “the alleged attempted rape of a girl on June 3, which at the moment has no relation to the criminal already captured,” is being investigated, the Minint reported.

Finally, it was reported that after the arrest of Dunién Tomás Miranda Hernández, the Minint forces assured that “he is being prosecuted and charged for the peace of mind of the people of Cienfuegos.”

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