Javier Milei, president: the minute by minute of this Sunday, June 9

Javier Milei, president: the minute by minute of this Sunday, June 9
Javier Milei, president: the minute by minute of this Sunday, June 9

The host and actress Mirtha Legrand He had a verbal exchange with the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosdue to the scandal of food stored in a warehouse and about to expire, which was finally distributed by the Armed Forces in needy areas.

In the program “Mirtha’s Night” (El Trece), “La Chiqui” expressed her indignation at the management of these resources and was angry about the waste at a critical moment for the country.. “I was watching it. And I’m going to tell you something that may seem ridiculous. I saw the soldiers delivering the food and I started to cry. It moved me very much. They were in fatigues. I said, why didn’t they distribute them sooner? Who was the scoundrel, scoundrel who prevented it from being done? Because there is always one“Legrand said with visible frustration.

Another uncomfortable moment for Francos was after the host criticized the Government’s management in reference to the economic crisis that Argentina is going through. “La Chiqui” looked at the former Minister of the Interior and clarified: “We are not against you, eh, not at all minister, on the contrary, but I believe that you are a very important asset in the Government“.

Upon hearing her, he replied: “I do not feel at all that it is against me, I try to answer the questions and issues, trying to historically locate ourselves in a moment in which we live and that are a consequence of the history we live. To be fair, this Government has been in office for six months. In six months you cannot make all the changes that Argentina needs.” Likewise, he added: “We are going to be better.” This month that begins now, we are better than the last one.”

When Francos tried to explain the figures, the driver interrupted him: “But inflation rose.” There, somewhat frustrated and annoyed, Franco remarked: “Will you let me finish?”


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