Senate: the Government does not rule out removing Aerolíneas Argentinas from the list of privatizations of the Bases law

The plenary session of the Upper House will discuss the Bases law and the fiscal package next Wednesday, from 10 a.m. (Senate Press)

Ten days ago, the Executive ignored the suggestion to remove Argentinian airlines from the list of potential privatizations of the Law Bases. After the negotiations during the current week and, with the almost detailed scenario of the votes that both initiatives would have next Wednesday – when the session is held in the Senate -, the Government began to analyze the possibility of remove said company from the related article, with the aim of approving it and not depending on Deputies, where distrust grows in the face of a return of the projects in second review.

The dispute over privatizations began with great tension in the Lower House, where the opposition sheared several militias objectives. However, Aerolíneas Argentinas remained and worries almost all parties. At first, the Casa Rosada did not relax its position and defended – it still does – the open skies policy that it intends to implement. The problem that was added in the last 15 days was the strong pressure on legislators before getting on planes and the critical mass that germinated on this issue between last Tuesday and Thursday. The deputy chief of staff took note of those days, Jose Rolandi; and the Secretary of Strategic Planning, Maria Ibarzabal Murphy.

Specifically, article 7 of the majority opinion establishes: “Declare ‘subject to privatization’, under the terms and with the effects of chapters II and II of Law 23,696, companies and societies owned wholly or majority by the national State.” listed in Annex I that form part of this law. To proceed with the privatization of such companies and societies, the transfer to the provinces of contracts that are in execution may be considered.

At the end of the office is the annex. Aerolíneas Argentinas SA appears there; Energía Argentina SA, Radio and Television Argentina SE, and Intercargo SAU. Meanwhile, for the “privatization/concession” were Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos SA, Correo Oficial de la República Argentina SA, Belgrano Cargas y Logística SA, Sociedad Operadora Ferroviaria SE (SOFSE), and Corredores Viales SA

Three commissions analyzed the Bases law and the fiscal package in the Senate (Franco Fafasuli)

Although the desire of La Libertad Avanza is to go to the premises with the opinions and vote on them, the Government does not now rule out offering to remove Aerolíneas from the annex, so that the “dialoguists” who have already given the ruling party a rejection change their position and approve the potential proposal. Quite a challenge.

If this bilateral agreement prospers, the Government may save itself a headache in the House of Representatives, where some legislators who supported the original laws are no longer so inclined to endorse some articles. Hence the fear that, due to Aerolíneas Argentinas, the privatizations will be rejected in the Senate and the original version will not be able to be insisted upon later in the Lower House.

Behind all this, a second problem appears, which is the “arc shift” syndrome that the ruling party suffers in Congress, due to the delicate minorities it has in both Chambers. “If we don’t take out Aerolíneas we already know that we lose, but without two-thirds against it. The issue is whether Deputies can turn it around later. Now, if we run to Airlines for approval, they will ask us for the Mail. It is very difficult to negotiate when your goal is pushed. In addition, we spent a month with the topics in committees. The opinions are already there. How much more are they going to want to get out of us? At this point, I think some are going too far.“, he assured Infobae a top congressional source.

Another interesting debate this week was about Profits. The thing is that, after the increase of 22% for the non-taxable minimums in Patagonia, many legislators in the center and north of the country were left in an uncomfortable place, since they would reactivate the tax to help all the provincial leaders while those of the South, even with the improvement that the Executive incorporated, will not support the articles. This led several senators to doubt the vote and bet on deactivating, in particular, said 22%.

During the weekend, the ruling party is preparing to finalize the voting system by titles and chapters. Also, of course, some articles that will be defined separately. Wednesday’s session will begin at 10 and will continue until the next day. Between Monday and Tuesday, Parliamentary Work will be carried out to organize the debate.

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