Tumap releases 29 turtles in Santa Marta

Tumap releases 29 turtles in Santa Marta
Tumap releases 29 turtles in Santa Marta

In a moving day that reflected the commitment to the preservation of the environment, Tumap, in collaboration with Corpamag, the Caribbean Marine Research Center Foundation (FCIM), the Aquarium and Marine Taxi, carried out a significant release of sea turtles in the resort of Inca Inca. This event was part of ‘Oceans Week’, an initiative dedicated to the protection of marine ecosystems.

The activity allowed 29 turtles of the Hawksbill, Green and Loggerhead species to return to their natural habitat, after having been cared for at the Marine Life Center of the Santa Marta Aquarium.

Ángela Dávila, head of Animal Welfare at the Life Center, explained the rehabilitation process: “These turtles were rescued, some from their nests and others thanks to fishermen’s notices. They have reached the size and weight necessary to return to the sea, which which is a great achievement for everyone involved.”

Tumap, recognized for its focus on sustainable tourism, continues to strengthen its ties with the local community and promote activities that respect and protect the environment. Through its social networks, Tumap launched a contest that allowed Carolina Santoya, a young woman passionate about the sea, to participate in the release of turtles. “It was a unique and wonderful experience. Tumap offers numerous options to get to know Santa Marta and its commitment to the environment is admirable,” commented Carolina.

Óscar Solano Figueroa, executive director of Tumap, highlighted the importance of these initiatives: “Developing activities that promote the conservation of our natural resources is essential. At Tumap, we believe that sustainability is key to the future of tourism. We work with local operators to promote practices that protect our fauna and flora.”

Sea turtles in Santa Marta face threats such as illegal hunting, habitat destruction, and pollution. Therefore, the conservation of these species is vital, involving government entities, companies and the local community.

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