two babies were buried in the same coffin due to an alleged error in an Armenian clinic

two babies were buried in the same coffin due to an alleged error in an Armenian clinic
two babies were buried in the same coffin due to an alleged error in an Armenian clinic

A woman reported that her little baby, who died last Wednesday, June 5 in Armenia, He was buried in the Campo de Paz cemetery in the municipality of Montenegro along with another baby, apparently due to an error in the protocol for delivering the bodies.

The nightmare for Gloria Patricia Gómez Tabares began on June 3 when her baby Joseph Orozco Gómez had to be sent to an incubator because he required oxygen. The little boy had been born just a few hours earlier at the La Sagrada Familia clinic in Armenia, but his health condition worsened and he finally died on June 5.

“They told us that there was nothing more that could be done for him, that he was not responding to the medications and he died on Wednesday. They gave me the death certificate and asked me if he wanted to claim it or if he left it at the clinic’s disposal, I told them that I claimed it. They told me that they had to do a necropsy because the baby was less than 30 days old. I waited until Friday, I called and they told me I could pick him up, I did the paperwork at the funeral home. “And they went for him, but they did not find him.”the woman said.

Gómez said that no one in the clinic could give her a reason and she had to wait for several hours for the social worker at the medical center to give her an explanation about the whereabouts of her baby.

“The social worker told me that the day my baby died, another baby also died at the clinic, but that is a lie, the other baby died the day before. “She told me that the other baby’s family went to claim him and that they took mine and buried him in Montenegro,” Gómez narrated.

After several procedures, they managed to have the body of the other baby, who was 21 weeks old at the time of death, exhumed to check if little Joseph, who was 38 weeks old, was there.

“The priest let us two mothers in and they blamed the funeral home. At the funeral home they told me that this is impossible because they cannot bury without authorization.”

The Quindío Health Secretariat opened an investigation process into this case.

The head of this department, Carlos Gómez Chacón, pointed out that, according to the first data of the investigation, it was an error on the part of the clinic and the funeral home.

“By mistake by the clinic, they handed over the two bodies to the funeral home process, and the latter did not notice either and buried the two children in the same coffin in the Montenegro cemetery. Given the situations, an epidemiological investigation was initiated and was accompanied by the Secretariat.”

He added that the two families already have their babies and that the necessary processes will begin.

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