why is it celebrated this June 9

For some they are like brothers, and for others they are barely known, but the truth is that This June 9, Cousin’s Day is celebrated in Argentina, Mexico and other Latin American countries. It is an ideal excuse to interact and greet your family member.

A close bond with cousins ​​can help in childhood, especially for kids who don’t have siblings. In addition, it is a good method of strengthening family ties with siblings and teaching children the importance of family. Below we review since when this date has been celebrated.


The origin of Cousin’s Day

In ancient times, cousins ​​were a method of high-born families to maintain the lineage, but this practice has evolved over time and the danger of emotional sexual bonding between people with close relationships was understood.

The celebration of this date has its origins in ancient Rome, and commemorates an event that is estimated to have happened between the years 297 and 303 on June 9. It is about the murder of two brothers accused of being Christians. At that time Christian persecutions were frequent until the empire converted to this religion.

Saint Feliciano and Saint Primo were two brothers who were born in Rome and were victims of the persecution of the emperors Diocletian and Maximilian. They were captured and finally beheaded on June 9. They were the first martyrs buried within the walls of the empire, and the name of the date originated in honor of Saint Primus.

In which countries is Cousin’s Day celebrated on June 9?

  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Mexico
  • Venezuela
  • Uruguay
  • Chili
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