Geologist’s Day: the passion for exploring and understanding the earth

Geologist’s Day: the passion for exploring and understanding the earth
Geologist’s Day: the passion for exploring and understanding the earth

He June 9 It is celebrated in Argentina on Geologist’s Day, a date for honor the work of those who study the Earth and its processes. To learn more about this exciting profession, Zonda Diario spoke with Lic. Gustavo Pezzaniteacher and researcher at the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of the National University of San Juan (UNSJ).

From Buenos Aires to San Juan: Pezzani’s story

Mr. Pezzani, a native of Buenos Airestells us about his journey into geology. “I went to work in the province of Neuquén, in a mine owned by a mixed company in the province. There, I had relations with the Mining Research Institute of San Juan and they sent me to train in chemical and mineral analysis,” remember. However, with the change of government in 1983, the state company modified its priorities, and Pezzani saw an opportunity to move to San Juan and study Mining Engineering. Soon, he discovered that geology offered a broader range of career opportunities and decided to change direction.

A life dedicated to exploration and teaching

Today, Mr. Pezzani is a teacher of three professorships at UNSJboth in the Bachelor’s degree in Geological Exploration Technique, taught in departments such as Jachal and Calingasta. “I started in mining exploration and my line of work has always been in mining or mineral exploration,” she says. Additionally, her career in the exploration industry has allowed her to combine teaching with professional practice, providing her students with an education based on real experience.

Geology: A passion

For those young people interested in geology, Mr. Pezzani describes this discipline as “the study of the Earth”, but emphasizes that it is much more than that. “Once one enters the world of geology, managing variables such as time, which is measured in millions of years, knowledge becomes a passion”, Explain. An essential part of learning, field trips allow students to experience first-hand the formation of minerals and other geological structures, cementing their love of geology.

Regarding the training of geologists, Pezzani points out that, “The degree is interesting, it has, at the time of the course, field trips, where the groups are consolidating, you have to start sharing small spaces, in a camp.”

In this sense, he adds that “We recently took a study trip to Barreal, it lasted three days and the students from three classes were there and it is very good to see how passionate they are about geology. At breakfast they talk about geology, at snack, at dinner and obviously in the field where we went to see different aspects of geology”.

You have to have a vocation, because you have to be in places far from some communities, but well, they also make the essence of the geologist, being able to be in contact with nature to find and understand it, understand geology, understand what the geological structures tell us and so on,” says the geologist.

The crucial role of geologists in the mining industry

In the mining industry, geologists play a fundamental role. “From initial exploration to production and mine closure, the geologist is present at every stage.”, says Pezzani. Exploration can take decades, and only a fraction of prospects become operational mines. Geologists also contribute in crucial areas such as environmental geology and geotechnics, ensuring the stability of rock masses and the care of the environment during and after mining operations.

Beyond mining: various job opportunities

Geology is not limited to mining. “Geologists can work in the oil industry, in hydrogeology, which is crucial for groundwater management, and in the construction of civil works such as dams and roads”, explains Pezzani. This versatility makes geology a career with extensive job and research opportunities.

This Geologist’s Day, the invaluable contribution of these professionals who, like Mr. Gustavo Pezzani, dedicate their lives to exploring, understanding and protecting our planet is recognized. His work not only drives the mining and energy industry, but also plays a crucial role in preserving the environment and developing safe infrastructure.

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