Two women dead and 4 injured after hitman attack in Cúcuta

Bloodbath in Cúcuta. Two women were shot to death inside a pool hall in The rest upper part of the Cundinamarca neighborhood in Cúcuta, this bloodbath left several injured. No vanilla was found at the crime scene.

This tragedy became known while the entire country is awaiting the Colombian soccer final between Bucaramanga and Santafé, for the BetPlay League title.

«In the El Reposo sector, an incident occurs where two people are injured, including a teenager»

According to witnesses to the incident, “the two murdered women, ages 16 and 23, were shot dead by three men who arrived on two motorcycles and before fleeing, they picked up the bullets that were left on the floor.”

The Metropolitan Police of Cúcuta identified the two deceased women as Angie Camila Leal Montañez 16 years old and Juliana Jaimes Vera 23 years old after the attack.

“The three subjects arrived dressed in black and had their faces covered, they shot at all the people who were gathered in a store in the area.”

Angie Camila Leal Montañez, 16, is one of the fatal victims.

Cúcuta: Two dead and several injured

The four people who were injured were taken to the Loma de Bolívar health center and some, due to the severity of their injuries, were referred to the Erasmo Meoz university hospital.

Among the victims of the hitman attack were a 25-year-old miner, an 18-year-old construction teacher, a 25-year-old shoemaker and a 32-year-old woman dedicated to various trades, who were injured in this bloody incident.

The oldest Johnny Castillo, Commander of police district two of the Metropolitan of Cúcuta, confirmed the news and assured that the two women were taken to a care center and who died later due to the severity of their injuries.

According to the officer, “Neighborhood investigative work begins, collecting videos, to capture these criminals.”

Two women murdered in the El Reposo pool hall in the Cundinamarca neighborhood, Cúcuta.


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