The last general of three suns

The last general of three suns
The last general of three suns

Post date: 2024-06-09 11:26:17

I frequently participate in meetings with mature people to discuss political issues and how we ensure that our department is taken into account by the high national government, for the effective and prompt implementation of strategic development projects for Huila, contemplated in the National Plan of Development.

2024-06-09 11:26:17

And of course so that the human talent of the Huila is taken into account in one or some vanguard positions in the bureaucratic apparatus of the state, to have some real impact from the national to the regional level. The current orphanhood of the Opitas, due to the absolute lack of political, business and union leadership, cannot be more eloquent and hopeless. The two or three Huilenses who are in the front line of the government or in some branch of public power are so, not because they are Huilenses themselves, but because they have some historical link of a personal, professional or political nature with President Petro, whom Duque has defined him as a cosmic radical, who must be faced with a republican sheaf. At the banking convention, which has just passed, Petro confronted the mediocre former president and told him that he receives that blasé epithet with great approval and that he accepts it entirely, because in his opinion, the current state of affairs due to climate change , impose a radical change in the new global and national macroeconomic vision. Those bankers were leaving the forum, listening to Professor Petro and looking like shit, when they invited Barbosa’s cafre to insult him.

With the appearance of a Cordoban cockfighter, a vueltiao hat, a backpack, a pickaxe and a sharp spur; Petro, very much in his style, responded to the disgraced swine: “If everyone unites against me; It is because they are scared and we are doing something good… let’s stay safe!” That announced sheaf is a balm or tonic, which strengthens the most combative leader of recent times, which Colombia has given birth to, as the panelist and analyst Álvaro Tafur maintains, in the fights that break out on Blu Radio.

In our land of promise, gone are the times of José María Rojas Garrido, José Eustasio Rivera, Reinaldo Matiz, Alberto Galindo, Rafael Azuero, Misael Pastrana, Guillermo Plazas, Felio Andrade, Héctor Polania, Jaime Ucros, Rodrigo Lara, Jorge Eduardo Gechen or businessmen like Alberto Suarez, Oliverio Lara, Rafael Roa among many others that I don’t remember; that had a specific weight, to be heard, received and attended to by the presidents, the high national government or the centers of power where the fate of the country is defined. Today the weight of our leadership can be measured with one of those scales that weigh spices at a cumin sale. We are orphans!

Of all that litter of generals that I just mentioned; In Huila we only have one General of Three Suns left, in politics. I am referring to Rodrigo Villalba Mosquera. Governor Villalba, at more than 70 years of age, closes the golden era of political leadership in Huila. He is a man who has known how to handle the secrets that govern success in politics and the exercise of government, with enviable prudence and mastery; which are summarized in a few words: Pragmatism, gratitude, work, discipline and solidarity. He is like a hunting dog, he chases the prey until he manages to catch it. While his opponents looked at how to beat him without working; He was holding meetings in the farthest corner of each municipality, until the wee hours of the morning.

Rodrigo Villalba has built a brilliant political career, starting from the smallest and most chichi position; to the most important positions of popular election, in the legislative and executive branch of power, at the national, regional and local level. He has been a testimony of an entire life and work, in politics and in government. He began as a councilor of Rivera, his town, he was a deputy of the department, mayor of Neiva, Representative to the Chamber, Senator of the Republic, of which he was second vice president, General Manager of Incora, Minister of Agriculture, when it was a ministry that did not I was up to par in those times; and with his management I managed to give it the importance it has today in national development and the achievement of peace. Although he has had defeats, he has been a leader with a shining star, ability and talent, which took him to where he has reached; He only needs to be ambassador and president. He has been a liberal of party discipline, but he understands that, from within that party, flatulence and bad odors are expelled, which he evades with a skill comparable to that of the smaller fish in the river, when they flee from danger. He is a centrist liberal and not a fan of his beliefs and views. He knows how to listen, and then process, act and get it right.

To have achieved so much success in politics and to be a true leader and boss, he was accompanied by a pragmatic style, defined by his own genetic code; He is a man very trained in public affairs, he knows what to do in each position, he knows how to relate to work as a team; and he has an ability to speak only what he needs to speak, he doesn’t spend time talking faggot. Some define him as a cold and calculating man; but they don’t know that he is a pleasant and supportive man with his friends, and although he gets upset when things are not done the way he should be, he is a man who cools down quickly; He is respected and obeyed. He likes the suddenness and vernacular humor, which characterizes us Opitas.

In his first governorship, he was a governor who governed for all the municipalities of Huila, regardless of whether they were liberal, goth or leftist municipalities; There is no path in Huila, where Villalba has not left a mark in its development; reasons that explain his leadership and success in regional and national politics; Because he is the only Huila native today with specific weight to lead and manage important things for Huila, before the Congress of the Republic, the high government and before President Petro himself, who considers him his ally and with whom he was a deskmate in the Senate of the Republic.

Governor: The Petristas of the broad front like me; And those of us on the left too, are willing to be your allies for the progress of Huila, in what remains of the Petro government. Before hanging up the three-sole general’s epaulettes and leaving through the front door as he deserves; Take advantage of your status as a presidential ally and that the eyes of the national government are watching you, so that he leaves you an important legacy from the Petro government for Huila, which gave you all the honors. Get involved in the Train, the tertiary roads, the Petar, agricultural planning, the generation of clean energy in Huila, the promotion of Huilense talent, etc.

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