The Government once again questioned Justice over the food scandal: according to Bullrich, Casanello acted as a “grocer”

The Government once again questioned Justice over the food scandal: according to Bullrich, Casanello acted as a “grocer”
The Government once again questioned Justice over the food scandal: according to Bullrich, Casanello acted as a “grocer”

Patricia Bullrich against Justice

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichreferred today to the scandal of the food that remained retained in warehouses of the Ministry of Human Capital and targeted Judge Sebastián Casanellowhom he accused of acting “storekeeper” for ordering the Government to prepare a plan and make the distribution of food effective.

“No one explains to me what happened.; It was up to the federal police and gendarmerie to carry out raids and see what was in each place and there was not a single expired food item. The counteroffensive that the false social movements made to try to dismantle the logic… there were foods that expired in July, not now, and justice got in the middle to act as a grocer,” the minister stated.

Furthermore, and in statements to Rivadavia radio, he avoided naming Casanello, but pointed out that this is the same judge who “the previous week prosecuted a number of poverty managers who for 20 years stole food, and to make a lime and a sand“He came out to say that the food should be distributed, that it did not expire.” “Why do I have to distribute food that does not expire according to a judge’s criteria,” she questioned.

Justice decides how food is distributed? You have to analyze whether what was bought and what is there is correct (…), but what do you know about how the food is distributed. They made us urgently and when we leave urgently one can make a mistake, be unfair,” Bullrich added.

And he completed: “Does the judge play politics with food? I don’t understand. We cannot accept it. “They take the minister (Sandra Pettovello) into a false situation.”

The Chief of Staff of the Nation questioned the Justice for ordering the Executive to distribute the food

Yesterday, the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, also criticized the role of Justice. The case began in February, when the social leader Juan Grabois filed a complaint for breach of public official duties against Pettovello, for “not providing for the delivery of food in neighborhood and community kitchens throughout the Argentine Republic.” So, It was known that there were 5 thousand tons of food undistributed.

The Ministry appealed the precautionary measure issued by the judge Sebastian Casanello which urged the organization to report its stock, but then it was learned that some 300 thousand liters of milk were close to expiring, so the Federal Chamber did not comply with his request and ordered Capital Humano to specify an immediate delivery schedule. In this context, Francos expressed in the program The Night of Mirtha Legrandby El Trece, that “Justice does not have to get involved in issues of administration of the Executive Branch.”

In the judicial response, the Ministry of Human Capital alleged that “the food in question had been assigned to be used in situations of catastrophes or emergencies and that, based on what was decided in court, unfortunately that destination cannot be contemplated.”

Along these lines, Francos maintained: “Those milk boxes were not for that. What they did now was comply with a court order that was appealed and the House upheld. From my point of view, it is an error of Justice”. “So, there is one thing that is not clear to me. “I am one of those who think that our country is a republicanly organized country, that it has three branches of government and each one has its function.”

Therefore, he reiterated that “Justice cannot get involved in something that belongs directly to the administration; however, he did” and pointed against the judges of the Federal Chamber Martín Irurzun, Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico By saying that the room “has an integration with some orientation, it was confirmed.”

Thus, he announced that the fact of having complied with the Court’s ruling “does not mean that the national government is not going to file an extraordinary appeal because the independence of each of the powers is at stake here.” For this reason, he considered that “it is not a minor issue that Justice has intervened in this matter.”

Given this, Legrand pointed out that “we have to listen to the people, we have to listen to the people, people asked why don’t they distribute? “Why don’t they send food? There are people who are dying of hunger.”

Francos answered: “I have been listening to people for many years, Mirtha. And the people, in these 40 years, I have also been listening to them and, in these 20 years of Kirchnerism, I have also been listening to them and the people are tired of living in the situation they live in. Do not blame Milei’s Government for what people are experiencing today. “People are living today in a situation of poverty and need because for many years governments did not do what they had to do.”

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