Countdown to the start of the 4th World Circular Economy Summit

The city of Córdoba will once again be the epicenter of an international event focused on the transition towards a sustainable production model. The World Summit, organized by the Municipality of Córdoba through the Municipal Entity BioCórdoba together with the Secretariat of Sustainable Environment and Circular Economy, will take place at the Córdoba Fairgrounds from June 13 to 15.

Official launch

The official launch of the event took place on June 5 in the Biodiversity Park amphitheater. It was attended by the city mayor, Daniel Passerini, the president of the BioCórdoba Municipal Entity, Enzo Cravero, and the members Juliana García Aresca and Gerardo Chacón. Also attending were the vice-rector of the National University of Córdoba, Mariela Marquisio, municipal authorities, councillors, and teachers and students from local schools.

Featured speeches

In his speech, Mayor Passerini highlighted the Córdoba origin of the Summit, an initiative that arose during the pandemic in response to concern for the planet. “Climate change is a consequence of the mistreatment of the environment by humanity in the last century. The Circular Economy seeks to transform and generate new products from waste, inserting them into a new production cycle,” he explained.

Passerini underscored the importance of data-based and people-centered public policies, noting that the United Nations’ sustainable development obligations for 2030 are just six years away from being met.

Enzo Cravero, president of the BioCórdoba Municipal Entity, emphasized the need to transform the socio-productive model towards a more sustainable, inclusive and circular one. He highlighted the importance of having a space where companies, institutions of the knowledge economy, cooperatives and the third sector converge, facilitating transformation and innovation.

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What the Summit will have

The fourth edition of the Summit will have a double mode of participation: in person, with prior registration, and virtual, through the online transmission of the event. For greater accessibility it will be dubbed into English, French, Portuguese and sign language. Participation is free with registration through the following link Register – World Circular Economy Summit (

Through multiple thematic spaces it will bring together local, national and international representatives from the public, private, third sector, academics and funding agencies. The Summit proposes activities aimed at experts, politicians, businessmen, entrepreneurs, students and neighbors in general.

The main stage will concentrate the main conferences, with recognized experts in the field. On the other hand, in the Circular Experiences space, different organizations will present successful business cases and models.

The Circular Economy Fair will be a place to learn about products and services created under this new paradigm. As a novelty, it will incorporate a social lutherie workshop and the holding of the first open chess game. To develop new business ideas there will be the Circular Incubator, which will train the initiatives presented and finance the winning projects. This institution depends on the Ente Bio Córdoba and was created in mid-2023.

Event information

Date: June 13, 14 and 15, 2024
Place: Córdoba Fairgrounds
Organizers: Municipal Entity BioCórdoba, Secretariat of Sustainable Environment and Circular Economy, Municipality of Córdoba

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