A renowned stunt pilot who fell with his plane in Entre Ríos died

A renowned stunt pilot who fell with his plane in Entre Ríos died
A renowned stunt pilot who fell with his plane in Entre Ríos died

Three fire crews and police officers worked at the scene to remove the pilot’s body and carry out measures regarding the investigation. The man died instantly and now specialists are trying to establish the reasons that led to the plane crash..

The word of the secretary of the Paraná Aeroclub

The secretary of the Paraná Aeroclub, Diego Martínez, said: “we don’t fall. The official voice of the causes of the accident will be the Transportation Safety Board, which is coming from Rosario, to carry out the technical expertise.” In dialogue with The eleven He added: “He had a habit and training issues of doing routines that included different heights, where all the neighbors in the area always saw him.”.

In that sense, Martínez stated that Grecca, at the time of the accident, was flying “in an Extra 300-3-30, the only one of that type in the country.” “We will never know what happened in the cabin seconds before the accident. “We are going to ensure that, after the technical analysis of the remains, we can clarify what happened,” he added and expressed that the pilot “He went doing what he liked, enjoying his plane. He will remain in our memory and in that of the Aeroclub as another person who made the institution great.”.


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