Result of the 2024 European elections in La Rioja

Result of the 2024 European elections in La Rioja
Result of the 2024 European elections in La Rioja

Updated: June 9, 2024 | 23:17
June 9, 2024 | 17:30

In the province of La Rioja the most voted political formation this June 9 during the 2024 european elections is PP. With the counting of votes 98.95% of the total votes counted in the region, PP has added a total of 54,459which places them as the first political force in the province.

He second place is occupied by PSOE, which has obtained 32.58% of the total votes of voters in the province of La Rioja. The third place, on this day, is for VOX, which accumulates 8.81% of the votes.

At 11:17 p.m., the stake in La Rioja it has been 52.48%. Of the total votes cast (122,896), 0.83% of voters have chosen vote blank and 47.51% have decided refrainwhile 0.89% of the votes have been declared void. In La Rioja, the three most voted parties In these European elections they have been:

  • PP: with 54,459 votes
  • PSOE: with 39,690 votes
  • VOX: with 10,736 votes

How many MEPs will Spain elect in 2024?

In contrast to the other elections held in Spain, in the European elections there is a single electoral constituency, that is, those candidates who are elected for the European Parliament They represent the entire country and do not respond individually to provinces or autonomies. Chosen under the “degressive proportionality system“, of the 720 MEPs who will make decisions regarding the European Union This 2024, 61 will represent Spain, two more than we were able to choose in 2019.

But the elected MEPs they do not come out of the results of La Rioja nor from any other province. In the general Each province has a number of deputies assigneddepending on its population: in these elections, La Rioja does not have a specific number of deputies to be assigned, but rather they are assigned based on the results throughout Spain: from here will come the deputies of each party that end up going to the European Parliament .

Who are the candidates for the European elections?

There are more than 2,200 people who have presented themselves as candidates for the European electionsin Spain, included in one of the 34 lists that have been presented at this electoral event. Teresa Ribera leads the PSOE candidacy, while Dolors Montserrat He arrives as head of the list of the Popular Party (PP). In the middle of the campaign, both faced a face to face debate, on laSextain which the positions of her party were criticized: the socialist criticized the permissiveness towards the extreme right of the PP, while the popular It ruined the agreements reached by the Government of Pedro Sánchez with Carles Puigdemont.

Election results, province by province

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