Córdoba will reach temperatures of up to 50 degrees in 2050

Córdoba will reach temperatures of up to 50 degrees in 2050
Córdoba will reach temperatures of up to 50 degrees in 2050

He August 14, 2021 The highest temperature in the history of the city was recorded in Córdoba since records began. The mercury reached the 47 degreesaccording to measurements by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) at its station at Córdoba Airport.

He Córdoba Agenda Strategic Plan 20-30in its section Córdoba and climate change, carries out a study on what the main effects of climate change are in Córdoba and what the climate change scenarios say for Córdoba. This study highlights that “the projections for 2030 and 2050 show a scenario of gradual increase in temperatures, abrupt in some cases, such as the increase in the average maximum for the summer of 2050, which increases current values ​​by almost three degrees.” “. Which means that up to 50 degrees can be reached.

These forecasts also go through an increase also of 2.5 degrees over current values ​​in spring, “which on a climatic scale is extremely relevant,” defends the study. And in the city of Córdoba, “Climate forecasts for the first half of the 21st century announce increases in summer temperatures, prolongations of droughts and changes in the length of the seasons“.

The study also details that together with the considerable rise in minimum and maximum temperatures, as well as in warm days and nights (an increase of 12 warm days and nights in autumn is expected by 2050), precipitation will decrease slightly, giving rise to the increase in drought processes. As for the days of frost, they will remain almost constant in the moderate scenario, but will decrease significantly in the extreme scenario from 2035 onwards (five days of fewer frosts in 2050).

Main climate threats

The study insists that The main climatic threats that Córdoba will suffer from now and in the coming decades are heat waves, potential droughts and sudden rainfall in short periods. Regarding heat waves, it stands out that as a consequence of the increase in temperatures, heat waves will be accentuated throughout the province, with maximum thresholds of 41.2 degrees, reaching alert level 3, or high, in which the number of Days in which both maximum and minimum temperature thresholds are exceeded will be common.

“As a consequence of this, there will be direct effects on the health of citizens (stress, exhaustion and heat stroke), with special attention to the elderly, children, the sick, etc., and mortality from these causes will increase, especially among the population over 75 years of age. On the other hand, air pollution, although it is directly related to greenhouse gas emissions, is also indirectly related to the increase in temperature,” the document states.

Regarding potential droughts or longer duration of periods with water deficit, it stands out that studies establish that it will occur in Córdoba until 2040. a decrease of more than 10% in the level of precipitation. And regarding sudden rainfall in short periods, “although of low incidence for the municipality of Córdoba”, an increase in torrential rains is expected and, although the municipal area is not a territory classified as having a high degree of danger and risk of flooding , the passage of the Guadalquivir River through the capital of Córdoba can cause a small flood to spread on the surface, due to the geographical conditions of the depression.”

And it warns that in the event that the concentration of the number of affected people becomes more significant, the number of assistance by emergency services may increase, and mortality may also increase, due to drowning, trauma, etc. even depression after the event.

fight against climate change

The Agenda 20-30 Strategic Plan includes a series of actions by the City Council to fight climate change, such as promote the reuse of treated water in agriculture and urban irrigation (for which the first storm tank of the several that the city will have is already being built); achieve a reduction of more than 20% of the city’s total greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2005; and increase the contribution of pedestrian and cyclist mobility in the modal split to the detriment of private vehicles.

Likewise, it includes a series of budgeted actions to be carried out, such as, for example, the use of renewable energies (wind, natural gas, solar and photovoltaic) in unique public buildings (140,625 euros); improvements in the operation of collective bus transport to optimize routes, increase the frequency of services by more than 20% through bus lanes, fleet improvements, ICT services at stops, platforms reserved for the bus, etc. (656,250 euros); the expansion of the city’s network of bicycle paths, especially in urban-peri-urban relations (1,031,250 euros); and the construction of preferred pedestrian routes in the city of Córdoba, acting as continuous platforms for people with reduced mobility. Micropedestrianization actions in points with the highest concentration of urban walking (468,750 euros).

Also reduce urban traffic on the city’s main road by more than 20%, to reduce polluting and greenhouse gas emissions (281,250 euros); promote sustainable company transportation plans in workplaces, which require investments in transportation systems and ICT applications (93,750 euros); actions to reduce noise pollution in urban environments close to noise sources (360,000 euros); and conservation measures, enhancement and protection against fires of the forest heritage of Córdobaas elements to promote tourism and historical, cultural and landscape heritage (840,000 euros).

In addition to performances for the rehabilitation and enhancement of urban parks and green areas, for tourist and cultural uses (1,800,000 euros); actions for environmental corridors connecting Vega-Sierra as cultural and tourist heritage of Córdoba, hydrological-forest restoration and improvement of biodiversity (1,080,000 euros); the conditioning and promotion of the network of public roads in Córdoba to provide accessibility to the natural heritage, especially that of tourist interest (1,080,000 euros); and the rehabilitation of obsolete industrial areas and environmental improvement of the urban environment with public land (600,000 euros).

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