Córdoba capital closes April with 145,520 employees, 2.3% more than a year ago

He working market of the city of Cordova continues to provide good news, despite the fact that its economy does not present striking growth rates.

It must be taken into account that the indicators offered by the State of the municipalities regarding affiliation to Social Security are always as of the last day of the month. It is always a less stable figure than the monthly average that is distributed for the higher territorial areas.

April it’s a good period for activity in the capital. It is high tourist season – it is true that it is a temporary job. And the city recorded excellent traveler arrival figures that month.

He year-on-year growth settled in the good March of the main pillar of the membership to the Social Security: the general regime. The employed workers At the end of April they stood at 121,174 compared to 117,901 a year earlier. This implies that there was a 2.8% increase when 3,273 more were recorded.

The self-employed, the other large group of employed people, also had a positive evolution. Of course, it was much more moderate. He experienced a growth that stayed bordering on 1%, to reach a number of self-employed workers of 19,748. They were 181 more than those counted 365 days before.

The other two Social Security regimes, with much less weight in the Córdoba labor market than the two already analyzed, did experience declines. In it agrarianApril closed with 1,929 employees, which implied a year-on-year decrease of 6.4% (131 fewer workers discharged). And in the case of domestic workers, the decline was 2%, bringing the number of employed people down to 2,669 (-54).

He growth achieved in the capital was even placed a few tenths above of the experienced in Spain: Social Security affiliates increased by 2%.

As has been indicated, employment growth is especially relevant because it occurs in a scenario in which the economy, after the blow of Covidhas not starred either here or in the nation as a whole recovery in all its glory. Factors that have slowed down its progress have been coming across it, such as the materials crisis or the war in Ukraine.

Economy growing

Suffice it to note that the Unicaja study service In his latest report on Andalusia he has calculated that the economy of the province -the capital is its economic engine- will grow by 1% in 2024. And, according to this same source, it gained 1.1% in 2023. In these two time periods, it would have remained below the GDP growth recorded in the region: 2.5% last year and 1. 8% planned for the present.

The capital comes from 2023 in which, as he had already done in 2022, broke the membership record to Social Security at the end of a fiscal year. It placed them at 143,524, which was 2,885 more than at the bell of the previous year, which represented an increase of 2%.

To see the forcefulness of how job creation has progressed in the city in recent years, it is enough to remember that in April 2019 -exercise prior to the outbreak of Covid- there was 130,722 people with work. Five years later, that figure grew by 11.3% and 14,798 more employed people were registered.

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