Trout files: judicial nod to the request of La Libertad Avanza to organize its papers in Río Negro

The Federal Justice did not raise objections to La Libertad Avanza’s request to suspend for 30 days the process of judicial recognition as a district party in Río Negro.

As sources with access to the file warned today, this could lead to the criminal investigation into the possible crimes committed for the initial presentation of guarantees being developed in parallel, at a different pace. and ends without affecting the process of legal and political authorization of the group.

The initial position was signed on Friday by the Viedma prosecutor, Marcos Escandell, and this Monday it was validated by the acting federal judge, Hugo Greca.

In this way, La Libertad Avanza will be able to replace the membership cards that it admitted as irregular and try again in a month for Justice to provisionally recognize the party.

This initial authorization will be key to moving towards the completion of the process and being able to present our own candidates in the 2025 legislative elections.when Río Negro will renew two deputies and the three national senators.

In his recent opinion, Escandell highlighted that “from the preliminary analysis of the incorporated documentary, it would emerge – for the moment – that the requirements provided” for the recognition of political parties “they would find themselves fulfilled.”

“However, I keep in mind that case CNE 5561/2024 (Coirón Case 120819/2024) is in the full investigation process, in which it has been reported the existence of fraudulent maneuvers that are directly linked to this process, file that is processed by delegation in this Multifueros Federal Prosecutor’s Office (art. 196 CPPN) and has evidentiary measures in progress, which should be exhausted prior to the advancement of this procedure,” adds the prosecutor.

And finally, he details that he also has in view “the digital presentation made by Dr. Jonathan O’ Rourke, in his capacity as representative of the group in formation, La Libertad Avanza, in which he requested that they withdraw “all files presented on May 20, 2024”and that it be suspended “the continuity of the process for a period of 30 days for the purposes of submitting new membership forms, until completing the legal minimum required.”

Given this scenario, the prosecutor communicates that ““This MPF has no objections to formulate, in the event that SS shares the proposed position.”

“I conclude then that, indeed, the process of recognition of the party in question should be suspended, in the first instance for a period of thirty (30) days, or until the processing of the case CNE 5561/2024 (Coirón Case 120819/ 2024) advise otherwise. Complied, a new view is issued for the same purposes,” the opinion concludes.

The process continued this Monday, when Judge Greca issued a resolution indicating that, “in accordance with what was requested and ruled by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the processing of the proceedings be suspended for a period of 30 days. The proceedings in the Fiscal View have returned.

The critical view of representatives

RÍO NEGRO Diary consulted about the new scenario with three party representatives who participated in the hearing on May 31, in which three forces requested that the nullity of all actions be declared based on the serious irregularities that became known about the adhesion forms presented by La Freedom Advances.

One of these sources interpreted that, now, everything “It will stop until the irregular issues are resolved.”

However, two other lawyers agreed that The prosecutor’s ruling opens a generous door for President Javier Milei’s party to complete the formal authorization process, replacing the trout files with other legally prepared ones before moving forward with the criminal file.

«The opinion admits more than one look. The first of them is consistent with the irrepressible desire of the Judiciary to help the formation of the party”, indicated one of the representatives.

And in that line, he remembered that “The problem with this file is not the files, but the certifiers.”

“The tokens are proof of the crime, but the criminal is the one who would have acted as certifier of the token,” he argued to insist that the entire process should be declared null and void.

Meeting in Las Grutas and promises of transparency

After two weeks under turbulence, La Libertad Avanza gathered its leadership in Las Grutas over the weekend and this afternoon celebrated the ruling of Viedma’s federal prosecutor, Marcos Escandell, on the way to recognition as a district party.

“During this period we will proceed to thoroughly review the memberships and provide the necessary ones to fulfill the legal requirements to establish the party.”said a statement released through the force’s social networks.

“We continue working to form a transparent, serious and responsible electoral option for all the good people of Rio Negro”, they concluded.

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