Córdoba: there are 2,600 soup kitchens that have state financial assistance June 2024

Córdoba: there are 2,600 soup kitchens that have state financial assistance June 2024
Córdoba: there are 2,600 soup kitchens that have state financial assistance June 2024

Due to the country’s economic crisis, many families have come to need the support of picnic areas and community kitchens to be able to make their meals. The reality is that, with the latest reports made on the country’s poverty level, the percentage shows that more than 50 percent of Argentines are below the poverty line.

In dialogue with Canal C, the Secretary of Social Policies of Córdoba, Raúl La Cava, indicated that the situation is alarming since, in 2021, in the Merenderos and Comedores program, there were 680 registered, while currently there are 2,600.

This is due to the strong economic crisis that Argentina is going through and the impossibility that many people face when it comes to eating four meals a day. In that sense, La Cava noted that the situation was more present in vulnerable neighborhoods of the city, but that in recent years poverty has expanded to established neighborhoods.

“Today workers do not make ends meet. So far this year we have intervened in 600 evictions with financial aid because they would end up homeless,” the official said.

From the Municipality, La Cava assures, they are working closely with “many families in economic matters” and with an eye on “food assistance in dining rooms and picnic areas” so that residents of the most vulnerable neighborhoods can have the basic needs covered.

In that sense, La Cava said that assistance has become comprehensive since the nutritional problem is not only addressed, but rather a comprehensive assistance program for health, education and work has been developed.

Raúl La Cava added that “I hope this national State takes action on the matter and understands that the decentralization of resources is a necessity.” And he closed with the conclusion that “The responsibility that the municipal, provincial and national States have cannot be replaced, but the Nation cannot fix the situation from an Excel. It is impossible to work without the decentralization of resources.”

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