The Government’s balance: salaries rise twice as much as inflation, Argentina will be a power and the Bases law is “fundamental”

The Government’s balance: salaries rise twice as much as inflation, Argentina will be a power and the Bases law is “fundamental”
The Government’s balance: salaries rise twice as much as inflation, Argentina will be a power and the Bases law is “fundamental”

For the government, the V-shaped recovery has already begun. At least in salaries. The President’s Office issued a statement this Monday in which it stated that Private salaries grew at twice the rate of inflation and that the recovery experienced in April is the most important since 2009.

Of course, the official text cuts back on the April data and avoids mentioning everything that salaries have lost since the December devaluation.

The statement is based on the data from the Monthly Panorama of Registered Work prepared by the Ministry of Labor, meaning that it does not consider black employees either.

“The April figures show an increase of 16.1 percent in salaries, while inflation stood at 8.8 percent. This implies that “Salaries are growing at twice the rate of inflation.”stated the Office of the President.

And he adds: “In this way, Argentines begin to experience a recovery in the purchasing power of their income thanks to the slowdown in inflation inherited from the previous government, price stability and the elimination of the fiscal deficit, which generated uncertainty about solvency. of the State”.

Six months after Javier Milei took office, the statement seeks to establish an optimistic story about the progress of the administration. “These results show that, with a serious economic plan and a State that is no longer an obstacle to production and employment, it is possible to reverse years of decline. Argentina is on its way to becoming an economic power, freed from uncontrolled public spending and state intervention”.

Along the way, he tries to add pressure to Congress in a crucial week: “To accelerate this process of economic recovery, It is essential that Congress approve the basic lawin order to free the productive force of the inhabitants of the Argentine Nation”.


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