Women former students of the University of Chile criticize the canvas against Rector Rosa Devés « Diario y Radio Universidad Chile

Through a public letter, the signatories of the letter regretted that “the call to build institutional spaces for dialogue did not seem to matter.” Thus, they invited people to interact “without violence or aggression” with the university authorities.

Monday June 10, 2024 3:17 p.m.

Central House of the University of Chile

This Monday the printed version of The Mercury published a letter from former students of the University of Chile, in which they referred to the canvas that was placed on the front of the Central House of said institution, within the framework of a mobilization in favor of Palestine this Saturday on Avenida Libertador O’Higgins.

Susana Garcia, Macarena Letelier, Voluspa Jarpa, Patricia Miranda, Constanza Acuña, Tania Sutin, Maria Paz Epelman, Tatiana Camps and María José Poblete They are the signatories of the public letter.

In the letter, the former students pointed out that “with the canvas raised on the front of the University of Chile, their rector has been the object of a public affront that should shake us and serve as a warning of absolutist times “.

The call to build institutional spaces for dialogue does not seem to matter.to leave violence out of conversations and be a University, that is, a whole different from its parts, a collective made up of diverse and different people, sheltered by the desire to obtain and generate knowledge in freedom, and contribute to the construction of our community,” the text says.

The former students stated that “Today it seems more compelling to judge the good and the bad and cut off the heads that our cause demands.. Whatever we have decided to defend.”

In addition, They relieved the figure of the highest authority of the House of Bello. “The Dr. Rosa Devés is the first rector of the University of Chile since its foundation in 1842, and his election has allowed our University to continue being a valuable and avant-garde reference.”

“Her (Rector Devés) search for the common good and excellence, for dialogue, tolerance and advancement in the gender agenda are some of the many reasons why we admire and appreciate her work,” they stated.

Meanwhile, the signatories of the letter hope “that from now on these small groups of protesters will be able to interact without violence or aggression with the University and its rector.”

This Monday the printed version of The Mercury published a letter from former students of the University of Chile, in which they referred to the canvas that was placed on the front of the Central House of said institution, within the framework of a mobilization in favor of Palestine this Saturday on Avenida Libertador O’Higgins.

Susana Garcia, Macarena Letelier, Voluspa Jarpa, Patricia Miranda, Constanza Acuña, Tania Sutin, Maria Paz Epelman, Tatiana Camps and María José Poblete They are the signatories of the public letter.

In the letter, the former students pointed out that “with the canvas raised on the front of the University of Chile, their rector has been the object of a public affront that should shake us and serve as a warning of absolutist times “.

The call to build institutional spaces for dialogue does not seem to matter.to leave violence out of conversations and be a University, that is, a whole different from its parts, a collective made up of diverse and different people, sheltered by the desire to obtain and generate knowledge in freedom, and contribute to the construction of our community,” the text says.

The former students stated that “Today it seems more compelling to judge the good and the bad and cut off the heads that our cause demands.. Whatever we have decided to defend.”

In addition, They relieved the figure of the highest authority of the House of Bello. “The Dr. Rosa Devés is the first rector of the University of Chile since its foundation in 1842, and his election has allowed our University to continue being a valuable and avant-garde reference.”

“Her (Rector Devés) search for the common good and excellence, dialogue, tolerance and progress in the gender agenda are some of the many reasons why we admire and appreciate her work,” they stated.

Meanwhile, the signatories of the letter hope “that from now on these small groups of protesters will be able to interact without violence or aggression with the University and its rector.”

This Monday the printed version of The Mercury published a letter from former students of the University of Chile, in which they referred to the canvas that was placed on the front of the Central House of said institution, within the framework of a mobilization in favor of Palestine this Saturday on Avenida Libertador O’Higgins.

Susana Garcia, Macarena Letelier, Voluspa Jarpa, Patricia Miranda, Constanza Acuña, Tania Sutin, Maria Paz Epelman, Tatiana Camps and María José Poblete They are the signatories of the public letter.

In the letter, the former students pointed out that “with the canvas raised on the front of the University of Chile, their rector has been the object of a public affront that should shake us and serve as a warning of absolutist times “.

The call to build institutional spaces for dialogue does not seem to matter.to leave violence out of conversations and be a University, that is, a whole different from its parts, a collective made up of diverse and different people, sheltered by the desire to obtain and generate knowledge in freedom, and contribute to the construction of our community,” the text says.

The former students stated that “Today it seems more compelling to judge the good and the bad and cut off the heads that our cause demands.. Whatever we have decided to defend.”

In addition, They relieved the figure of the highest authority of the House of Bello. “The Dr. Rosa Devés is the first rector of the University of Chile since its foundation in 1842, and his election has allowed our University to continue being a valuable and avant-garde reference.”

“Her (Rector Devés) search for the common good and excellence, dialogue, tolerance and progress in the gender agenda are some of the many reasons why we admire and appreciate her work,” they stated.

Meanwhile, the signatories of the letter hope “that from now on these small groups of protesters will be able to interact without violence or aggression with the University and its rector.”


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