Yerry Mina’s substitution unleashes ‘tricolor’ euphoria on social media

Yerry Mina’s substitution unleashes ‘tricolor’ euphoria on social media
Yerry Mina’s substitution unleashes ‘tricolor’ euphoria on social media

After Néstor Lorenzo revealed the starting lineup to face Costa Rica in the second match of the Colombian National Team in the 2024 Copa América, one of the surprising news was the absence of Yerry Mina in the starting eleven.

The strangeness originated when the native of Guachené, Cauca, who replaced Jhon Lucumí due to injury in the debut of the ‘Tricolor’, did not appear in the starting team and in his position was the defender of Genk (Belgium), Carlos Cuesta.

According to journalist Guillermo Arango, Mina was not chosen as the starter due to a blow he received and because he was not in one hundred percent of his physical condition.

“Mina beaten will be replaced by Carlos Cuesta”said the Colombian journalist without giving further details about Yerry’s absence in the game against the ‘Ticos’.

Yerry Mina, defender of the Colombian National Team, with Miguel Ángel Borja | Photo: Getty Images

Euphoria in networks due to Mina’s substitution

Although Yerry’s absence surprised many, on social networks different users celebrated the non-ownership of the Colombian defender.

“God heard me and they didn’t put Yerry Mina’s ‘killer’, my God, don’t take away this illusion that I carry,” said one of the users of the social network X.

Another comment was: “The fact that Yerry Mina and Borré are not in the starting line-up is already an advantage”. “The best news in football. That the best Colombian defender (Carlos Cuesta) is playing, and not that old Yerry Mina”.

Yerry Mina, substitute, we got on the ‘Lorenzoneta’ because he finally understood it”said @dan_darkarmored on his X account.

Although many celebrated the substitution of Yerry Mina, others lamented his absence during the game, since, in the middle of it, Davinson Sánchez wasted some goal opportunities and they assured that the Cagliari defender would have scored.

“Yerry Mina would have converted those two options that Davinson had left,” “Yerry Mina would have converted those two that Davinson ate,” some of the users said on social networks.

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