“We went at night and saw something strange”


South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

The South neighborhood house: inexplicable noises and appearances

According to Maggi, The house, built in an old railway neighborhood, close to a train station and which would later become a “red zone”, has witnessed numerous inexplicable events.

Noises, apparitions and lights that turn on and off by themselves are common episodes in this home full of stories. Tragedy began to haunt the place in the 1970s.


South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

A family tragedy in the South neighborhood house

In your thread, Maggi tells the story of a family who moved into the house with several children, among them, some twins. “One day, while the mother was bathing one of the twins, the other went out onto the sidewalk with his tricycle. When he went down to the street, he was hit by a truck that was passing at full speed. The baby did not survive.”

The truck driver did not realize what happened. Maggi He tells how the neighbors chased him to the Columbus court, about seven blocks from the place. When the driver realized what had happened, always according to Maggi’s story, he began to hit his head against the vehicle incessantly, and due to his injuries, he died a few days later.


South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

Legends that fuel the mystery of the South neighborhood house

Maggi mentions several myths surrounding the house. Some neighbors claim to have seen a girl on the second floor railing or heard the doorbell ring or lights turn on, without any explanation.

During the 2003 flood, a group of homeless people sought refuge in the house, but they did not last long there. They preferred the street rather than continuing in that sinister abode. Maggi points out that even the bricklayers who tried to restore it abandoned work after two weeks, claiming to hear whistling inside.

Embed – https://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=https://x.com/nicolasmaggi87/status/1799984656374288550&partner=&hide_thread=false

This is what the South neighborhood house looks like inside

In his Twitter thread, Nicolas Maggi shared a video that he recorded inside the house.

A disturbing visit

During his night visit, Maggi He noticed a strange light on inside the house, something unusual. Light was visible through the keyhole and under the door. Although they captured a video, it was left on the cell phone of one of his companions and has not yet been shared.

The journalist describes the house as “a place that emanates sadness and anguish. The air gets heavy near the fence and the rundown look of the house doesn’t help. “There is something sinister about the way he stands in the darkness, something that seems defiant and soulless, as if whispering that there is something wrong inside him,” Maggi concludes in his thread.


South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.


South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

South neighborhood house: screenshot of the Twitter thread.

It is important to mention that all the stories and phenomena mentioned in this note come from testimonies and popular narratives and from the journalist’s Twitter thread. Nicolas Maggiwho usually shares these types of stories on their social networks.

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of paranormal events in the South neighborhood house, so the stories should be considered urban legends.

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