Venado Tuerto will have its University Residence in Rosario

Venado Tuerto will have its University Residence in Rosario
Venado Tuerto will have its University Residence in Rosario

This Monday, the Venado Tuerto government took an important step to achieve the dream of having a University Residence in the city of Rosario, signing an agreement with the National University of Rosario (UNR). The signing was attended by the rector of the high house of study, Franco Bartolacci and the local mayor Leonel Chiarella.

It should be noted that the agreement is framed in the University Residence Program that the UNR has been carrying out in conjunction with municipalities and communes, with two headquarters that are already in operation. This third residence that is being built in the university gymnasium, located at 400 Moreno, will have a capacity for about 40 students, of which a space of 25 will be allocated to Venado Tuerto.

“This is a very important agreement so that residents of Venado Tuerto, who study at the National University of Rosario, have the opportunity to live in these residences and in this way reduce the high costs of renting today, since the values of these spaces are much more accessible,” explained Mayor Chiarella.

Along these lines, he recalled that the possibility of having residences for young people in the city “was a project that we had announced at the opening of sessions of the Municipal Council, committing ourselves to working so that there are places in both Rosario and Río Cuarto (Córdoba). , two cities highly chosen by our young people,” he indicated. And he added: “This is the first step we are taking with the UNR, but the idea is to continue carrying out the necessary steps to multiply the places.”

The president highlighted in turn that this is a joint task that the Executive has been developing from the Directorate of Education, headed by Gisela Pouillatrou, the Secretariat of Territoriality and Cultural Development, under the orbit of Miriam Carabajal and the Deliberative Council, not only with Juan Ignacio Pellegrini, the president, but also opposition blocks, such as the Justicialista Party, a bench that has Sebastián Roma as a reference. “In this type of projects, political colors do not matter, but rather that they can be carried out, because they directly benefit the people of Venada,” he emphasized.

The Residence, whose works are in charge of the UNR, not only offers an adequate space to live and study, but also provides students with psychological support, academic monitoring and so on.

For the selection of students who will be able to access this space, the university has a protocol, which includes central aspects such as age, being students of any of the majors offered by UNR, and the economic and financial situation of those enrolled. “The call and evaluation will be in charge of the high house of study,” explained Chiarella, announcing that the program will be ready for the 2025 school year.

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