Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 11 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 11 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world
Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 11 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

In the anniversaries of June 11 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1580. The second founding of Buenos Aires

Juan de Garay completes the second and definitive foundation of Buenos Aires, 44 years after the first settlement installed by Pedro de Mendoza. In the founding document it speaks of “City of Trinidad”, given that the landing was on Holy Trinity Sunday. The port is called “Santa María de los Buenos Aires”. Garay had founded the city of Santa Fe in 1573. Buenos Aires was created in the area of ​​the current Plaza de Mayo. Jorge Luis Borges imagined the origin of the city on the block of his childhood home, in Palermo, in the verses of “Mythical Foundation of Buenos Aires.”

1864. Richard Strauss is born

Richard Strauss is born in Munichthe leading German composer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He amazed the musical world with his symphonic poems from 1890: Don Juan, Death and Transfiguration, The Merry Antics of Till Eulenspiegel, Thus spake Zarathustra, Don Quixote and hero’s life. His operas marked the main contribution to the genre in German since Wagner.: Salome, Electra, rose knight, Ariadne on Naxos and The woman without a shadow. In his last years he became linked to Nazism. He died in 1949.

1982. The first visit of John Paul II to Argentina

John Paul II arrives in Argentinain what represents the first visit of a pope to the country. Up in dramatic conditions, with the ground fighting in the Falkland Islands, when there are 72 hours left until General Menéndez’s surrender occurs. Karol Wojtyla celebrates mass in the Cathedral and meets with the Military Junta in the Casa Rosada. In the afternoon celebrates a mass mass in Luján before 700 thousand people. The next day, she gathers others two million at the foot of the Monument of the Spanish. That June 12 he says goodbye to the dictator Leopoldo Galtieri and returns to Rome.

1983. Piazzolla appears at the Colón

Astor Piazzolla plays at the Teatro Colón in a concert entirely dedicated to his work. The bandoneonist and composer performs with several of his musicians in nonet format and with the Buenos Aires Philharmonic, directed by Pedro Ignacio Calderón. The concert marks the moment of Piazzolla’s legitimization in the environment of academic music in Argentina.

1984. Enrico Berlinguer dies

Enrico Berlinguer, leader of the Italian Communist Party since 1972, dies at the age of 62 from a brain hemorrhage. On June 7 he was speaking at a political event in Padua when he had to leave unexpectedly and be hospitalized. His agony and death moved all of Italy and he had a massive public funeral, with the presence of the President of the Republic, the socialist Sandro Pertini. Berlinguer He was one of the faces of the so-called “Eurocommunism”, the movement of Western European communist parties autonomous from the leadership of the USSR. In fact, he broke with Moscow, criticized the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the intervention in Poland. He proposed the so-called “historical compromise”: the rapprochement of Italian communism with the Christian Democrats and the Socialist Party to guarantee the stability of the democratic system, something that both the USSR and the United States rejected.

2005. Goodbye to Juan José Saer

At the age of 67, Juan José Saer dies in Paris. One of the greatest Argentine writers, he was born in Serodino, Santa Fe, in 1937. In the 60s, the stories of In the zone and stick and bonewhile writing his first two novels: Response and The complete return. He settled in France in 1968, where he worked as a professor at the University of Rennes. There he wrote the main titles of his work: Scars, The royal lemon tree, Nothing nobody ever, The expert, Gloss, The occasion (for which he won the Nadal Prize), The indelible, The investigation, Clouds. He also published the story books Unit of place, The biggest and Place; as well as the essays gathered in The river without banks, The concept of fiction, The narrative-object and Jobs. His poetic work is collected in The art of narrating. A few months after his death the posthumous novel appeared The big one.

2015. Ornette Coleman dies

One of the main avant-garde musicians in jazz has passed away: Ornette Coleman. He was 85 years old. The saxophonist attracted attention with his quartet in the late 1950s, accompanied by trumpeter Don Cherry, and without piano. Coleman proposed the guidelines of free jazz in his album The Shape of Jazz to Comereleased in 1959. In the 70s he formed the group Prime Time, with a free funk sound.

Furthermore, it is the Neighbor’s Day in the City of Buenos Airesfor the anniversary of the second foundation.

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