“the house shook me hard”

“My house shook me hard”: residents in Santiago de Cuba tell how they felt this Monday’s earthquake.

Just like we report A few hours ago, an earthquake of magnitude 4.3 on the Richter scale was recorded this Monday at 10:55 AM, local time, according to the Cuban Seismological Service (CENAIS). Residents agree that he felt strong.

“The house shook me hard,” “I felt it very strongly, I was lying on the floor,” “strong and fast,” were some of the comments raised as a result of the event.

Dr. Enrique Diego Arango Arias, Vice Director of CENAIS, described it as: “a normal earthquake” and called for calm. “We are in a seismic zone,” he said in interview to local TV.

As announced, the station network of the Cuban National Seismological Service reported the perceptible earthquake at 10:54 am.

According to official data, the event was located at coordinates 19.95 degrees north latitude and -75.83 degrees west longitude, at a depth of 25.5 km and with a magnitude of 4.3. One of the most striking aspects is that it was located 7 km south of the city of Santiago de Cuba.

Where was the Santiago de Cuba earthquake felt?

“That is why it was felt a lot in the city, also in several provinces that surround Santiago de Cuba such as Holguín, Granma and Guantánamo,” Arango Arias specified.

This is stated in the CENAIS report, which confirms the perceptibility in the city of Santiago de Cuba and in several locations in the provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Guantánamo, Granma and Holguín.

According to the information offered, an aftershock subsequently occurred. The organization asked the population to communicate to offer reports on the perceptibility. Fortunately, the noticeable earthquake No. 9 of 2024 in Cuba did not cause material or human damage.

Earthquakes in Cuba

On January 28, 2020, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake shook Cuba, being the strongest recorded in the country’s recent history. The earthquake, with its epicenter 123.6 km southwest of Cabo Cruz, in Granma, was felt throughout the national territory.

Given the possibility of a new earthquake, authorities recommend having an emergency plan on hand. In the event of an earthquake, schools, homes or workplaces must be evacuated in an orderly and quick manner, always using stairs and not elevators. Walking barefoot is also discouraged.

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