Tragedy in César: Femicide by stab in the neck

This holiday Monday, the César department reported a brutal Femicide. According to reports provided by the police of the Municipality of Guayabal, jurisdiction of Valledupar, the inhabitants of the sector reported a fight in the middle of the public road in the early hours of the morning. However, at the time of addressing the news, the authorities found a 37-year-old woman at the scene who died from a stab wound.

On the other hand, during the response to the community’s call for help, it was learned that the victim was allegedly attacked by her romantic partner. Furthermore, some residents of the sector added that those involved in this unfortunate event initially started the fight inside a neighboring residence until they reached the road where they ended the attack.

Femicide in César! With a stab wound to her neck, she took his life.

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Likewise, the report provided by the authorities who responded to the news revealed that the couple was chatting in the middle of the public street, when, in the middle of the brawl, the man with a dagger attacked the woman in the neck, leaving her lifeless. The identity of the victim was also confirmed, which belongs to Yulieidis Patricia Gámez Gutiérrez, 37 years old.

Likewise, the department authorities confirmed that the woman’s partner fled after attacking her. However, thanks to the prompt attention of the authorities, he was captured after the Femicide. Additionally, the identity of the aggressor was shared, being identified as Pedro Pablo Padilla Vásquez.

Femicide in César! A stab wound to the neck took his life.

Themes of interest:

Regarding the investigations, the authorities of the department of Cease They are carrying out the corresponding investigations. In addition, they clarified that at this moment they have several clues that will help clarify the reasons behind these horrific events.

However, they clarified that they are committed to finding the person responsible for these unfortunate events in the neighborhoods of the department. Likewise, they commented that they have already made available to the authorities all the details collected during the investigation work that allow them to clarify what happened in the case.

What to do if I find one of those indicated by the Police?

If you are considering reporting someone identified by authorities, it is important that you follow these steps to ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the report:

  • Keep your safety first: Before any action, make sure you are in a safe and trustworthy place. Don’t expose yourself to unnecessary risks.
  • Contact the appropriate authorities: Contact the local police, prosecutor’s office or the corresponding entity in charge of receiving these types of complaints.
  • Provides accurate information: When speaking with authorities, be as precise as possible regarding the identity of the targeted person, their location, suspicious activities, and any other relevant information you can provide.
  • Maintain confidentiality if necessary: If you fear retaliation or consequences for your report, you can ask authorities to keep your information confidential.
  • Collaborate with the authorities: If necessary, be willing to provide more information or testify if the case requires it.

Once you have filed your report, follow any instructions the authorities give you. This may include providing more details, cooperating in additional investigations, or being available to testify if necessary.

Remember that reporting criminal activities is an important act that contributes to maintaining security and order in society.
However, we must always do it safely and follow proper procedures.

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