Córdoba: 55 active searches for women with unknown whereabouts are registered

Within the framework of the week of the 9th cry of Ni Una Menos, in Córdoba they are searching for 20 missing women from November 2023 to June 2024. From the Colectivo Más Democracia y Más Agencia, they published a report with data collected from the Public Ministry page of Córdoba of the Judicial Branch of the Province.

20 women are being searched from November 2023 to June 2024. In this way they are added to the 35 active searches for women registered in previous reports in the period December 2021 to November 2023.

This 5th report is presented as a contribution to the dissemination of the ongoing searches and the data collected covers the period from December 2021 to June 2024. In addition, this was compared with the media and pages of organizations that try to locate the whereabouts of women .

As stated on the official website, “This report is given within the framework of enormous concern about the government’s anti-rights policies, eliminating the Ministry of Women and curtailing acquired rights in terms of human rights.”

They also add, “The authors of this report reject these policies; “That the state and its governments, including the provincial one, ignore the effective fight against violence against women and that emergency mechanisms and policies are not activated to resolve the searches for them are inadmissible.”

The document mentions each of the missing women:

Milagros Victoria Peralta Luna, Natalia Ayelén Ferreyra, Iris Belen Simbrón, Camila Medelein Maidan, Valentina Constanza Herrera Reynaga, Marina Fabiana González, Ingrid Mariel Chuminatti Arce, Emilce Liliana Heredia, Angelina Jackeline Cortez, Carina Celeste Rojas, Maylén Elizabeth Córdoba, Adriana Lorena Cisnero, Laura Analía Gigena, Milena Nicole Cuello, Michelle Celina Brandan, 18 years old, and her 11-month-old son Owen Luque Brandan, Estela Diana Vega, Candelaria del Valle González Fonseca, Malena Iris Denis Caballero, Eugenia Cintioni, Ariana Leonela García, among others.

Look at full report with the missing women in Córdoba.

In this note: gender violence

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