With Sandra Pettovello absent again, Javier Milei led a new Cabinet meeting

With Sandra Pettovello absent again, Javier Milei led a new Cabinet meeting
With Sandra Pettovello absent again, Javier Milei led a new Cabinet meeting

President Javier Milei He led the Cabinet meeting at Casa Rosada this Tuesday, hours before the start of the session for the Bases law in the Senate. Absent from the meeting was the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, who in the last few hours reported an attempt to access her house, while she continues the food scandal. They also ratified Foreign Minister Diana Mondino.

At the end of the meeting of ministers, sources who participated in the meeting pointed out Ambit that the Government still does not have the necessary votes in the Senate for the approval of the official project. If the vote is favorable to the ruling party, they assume that the text will return to Deputies for modifications.

As was the case last Tuesday, Minister Pettovello was absent from the meeting, which was still going through the food storage controversy and the subsequent resignations in the area. In this regard, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni said that the official’s absence was due to “a health issue of a family member” and the previous week, “because she was preparing some judicial presentations.”

After the meeting with the ministers, Milei went out to the door of the Casa Rosada and had a new meeting with children, whom he greeted and had a brief exchange.

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