Senate: a scenario of parity is expected and the fate of the Bases Law could depend on Victoria Villarruel

Senate: a scenario of parity is expected and the fate of the Bases Law could depend on Victoria Villarruel
Senate: a scenario of parity is expected and the fate of the Bases Law could depend on Victoria Villarruel

Vice President Victoria Villarroel presides over the ordinary session of the National Senate.

Tomorrow, starting at 10, the Senate will begin to discuss the Base Law and the tax package. The ruling party has quorum assuredbut there is still doubts about whether he will achieve the 37 votes needed to impose his ruling.

Although he obtained the signatures in the commissions, all with dissentthe Upper House is divided into three parts that could lead to equalitysomething that has not been observed since the debate of Resolution 125 in the government of Cristina Kirchner.

For him rejection 33 votes are assured of the block Union for the Homeland. For him accompaniment, meanwhile, There are 7 from La Libertad Avanza and 6 from the PRO, to which a good part of the UCR block would be added (13 votes); from For Social Justice and Together We Are Río Negro (one each); of the Renewal Front of Social Concord (2 votes); Neuquén Community (1) and Federal Change and Federal Unit (3 votes each). In total, if no one is absent and everyone accompanies, They would total 36 votes.

Senator José Mayans during an ordinary session. Photo: NA
Senator José Mayans during an ordinary session. Photo: NA

In doubt the senator introduces himself Martin Lousteau, who presented his own opinion, and Natalia Elena Gadano and José María Carambia of For Santa Cruz. If these three add to the rejection of the ruling party’s ruling, would add 36 against.

However, Carambia signed the ruling, although he did so in dissent, so it is understood that he will accompany in general. Something similar is speculated with Gadano, that although she maintains a monastic silence, she was close to the PRO’s positioning.

In that scenario, the ruling party would have, at least, the 37 votes necessary to advance with the treatment. Some optimists are even confident that it could be 38. Then, when it is the turn of the particular treatment, the accounts will be quickly modified issue by issue.

The other doubts are those of the senator Edgardo Kueider, who tends to be quite zigzagging in his positions, and that of Lucila Crexel. In this last case, the rumor is that next week the application for her position as ambassador to the Senate would enter the Upper House. UNESCO in Paris France. Several editorialists wrote that this would be a bargaining chip for her vote, something that the senator tries to deny in front of her peers. However, if this is the case, the timeline of each of the actions, Crexel could receive a criminal complaint.

Assuming a parity scenario exists, the ruling party would make sure to be able to advance since whoever Victoria Villarruel will have to define that, since she is not a senator, she does not have the right to vote unless it is to define equality.

Pablo Blanco, senator for Tierra del Fuego, another key vote in the debate on the Bases Law.
Pablo Blanco, senator for Tierra del Fuego, another key vote in the debate on the Bases Law.

Those who know the movements of LLA point out that it would be a mistake on the part of the Casa Rosada for this situation to arise. “It would give Villarruel a lot of prominence and leave Minister Francos, who presented himself as the savior of the norm, in a bad position,” they explained.

But in all blocks have conflicts. In Union for the Homeland, The intention is that no one escapes. If the LLA ruling passes, there is the risk that when you go to vote for each of the chapters is leaks with favorable votes.

In it radicalism there are also different sectors in bidding, Not only because one of them, Martín Lousteau, presented his own opinion, which indicates that, at a minimum, he abstains when voting for the ruling party, but there are also differences between other members.

It is known that the senator Pablo Blanco opposes the delegation of powers. Yesterday, before entering Congress, he told the press that he was not going to vote for that and that the President “did not understand” the division of powers.

According to consulted sources, the senator from Tierra del Fuego took that position to the meeting of the radicals where he had a confrontation with the president of the bloc. Eduardo Vischi (Blanco is vice president) because he reiterated that he is not going to vote for the presidential delegations. Vischi, d.In front of the rest of the senators, he told him that he should vote for what the bloc says.

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