34 thousand kilos of powdered milk arrive in Córdoba

The distribution of 34 thousand kilos of powdered milk begins this Tuesday in Córdoba in the midst of the scandal over the withholding of food by the Ministry of Human Capital.

The delivery is part of an operation that is being carried out at the national level after the Justice ordered the Government of Javier Milei to deliver the shipments stored in warehouses.

34 thousand kilos of powdered milk arrive in Córdoba. (Nicolás Bravo / LaVoz)

The 34,240 kilos of milk powdermake up the total of 389,351 kilos that were stored in two warehouses, one in Buenos Aires (Villa Martelli and another in Tafí del Valle, in Tucumán. In many cases, they expire at the end of July.

The milk was transported by Army personnel to Conin foundation headquarters throughout the country. From there, they will be delivered to the canteens based on an official list.

In the interior of Córdoba, the three Conin centers operate in Villa Allende, Río Cuarto and Corral de Bustos. Everyone will receive their batches of milk this Tuesday.

In principle, each beneficiary family would receive 4 kilos of powdered milk.

Operational. The Ministry of Human Capital began a food distribution operation last Thursday, with support from the Army. (Courtesy Clarín).

The operation in Córdoba

Marcela Pesce, director of Capredi (Center for Care and Prevention of Child Malnutrition), told The voice the details of the operation.

“The milk will arrive this Tuesday at 7:30 at our institution and the other four centers that Conin has in the province of Córdoba. It will arrive in Army trucks,” the directive said.

Capredi’s headquarters are at Río Negro 5538, in the Villa El Libertador neighborhood, in the city of Córdoba. The other Conin center in the provincial capital is Vaso de Leche, which operates in the Fiat Club.

“We will receive 3,800 kilos that we will begin to distribute next Friday. A part will be delivered to the families that are under the program in our institution and another will be distributed through 22 organizations with which we have been working,” Pesce explained.

In total, about 900 families will receive powdered milk through Capredi. Pesce estimated that the shipment they will receive will be enough to make two deliveries.

Expectation in the dining rooms

From the “Full belly, happy heart” dining room they highlighted the arrival of the milk and explained that they will be delivered based on an already established list of beneficiaries who are usually assisted by that dining room.

“It’s a boom, something very important. Something is going to come, people are waiting for it. And we are waiting for it to be able to deliver it to the families. We have a record with the registers already printed,” Griselda, head of that dining room, told Miter Córdoba.

“I send a little message to each family letting them know that today, at that time, the milk or food will be delivered. I send around and people start arriving,” she explained.

About 900 kilos of milk would arrive at that dining room, they stated.

34 thousand kilos of powdered milk arrive in Córdoba. (Nicolás Bravo / LaVoz)
34 thousand kilos of powdered milk arrive in Córdoba. (Nicolás Bravo / LaVoz)

Without intervention of the province or the Municipality

In response to the query of The voiceBoth the provincial government and the Municipality of Córdoba said that there was no contact from the national government for the delivery of these foods.

34 thousand kilos of powdered milk arrive in Córdoba. (Nicolás Bravo / LaVoz)
34 thousand kilos of powdered milk arrive in Córdoba. (Nicolás Bravo / LaVoz)

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