U. of Chile: Students in camp “mark” teachers upon entry

U. of Chile: Students in camp “mark” teachers upon entry
U. of Chile: Students in camp “mark” teachers upon entry

The students of the University of Chile who They camp in an area of ​​the Central Houseto demonstrate support for the Palestinian cause as the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip continues, They have been “marking” – as a control mechanism – the teachers who enter the property.

Rodrigo Medel, academic and researcher at the Faculty of Sciencessaid this Monday in X that “I find it incredible that the professors who want to enter our workplace at the university, the students in question, as a sign of authorization, paint a letter on our hand”, although later he said he refused to this practice.

The occupation of a room in the historic building began in mid-Maywhose purpose is to demand that the university end its agreements with schools in Israel, something that – to date – only the Faculty of Philosophy has done, while the University Council did not give in on that point.

On the other hand, the Student Federation (FECh) and other pro-Palestine groups have made a “urgent call to the community to resist in Casa Central”since they claim to have received a eviction request of the classroom, so the installation of more students “is essential for student resistance to the cause.”


Without the presence of the rector Rosa Devéswhich this week participates in President Boric’s tour of Europe, the pro-rector Alejandra Mizala took over, although The Mercury stated that there are no new institutional actions planned to dissolve the protest.

On the other hand, from Berlin, Devés made a brief statement regarding the controversial canvas recently hung on the front of the Central House, where appears being kissed by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahuand said he hoped that “those who placed it learn from this.”

It is not the way to express ideas, less in a public university like ours, in a house that is heritage, that represents not only the university, but the history of Chile, and that we all have to respect very much. We hope to continue talking about these issues and learn from this crisis,” the rector emphasized.

At the same time, given the rejection that it generated in the academy, he added that “The reflection that has taken place in the country these days regarding that canvas has been very importantand we’re going to have to continue reflecting on that.”

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