“I would not let my guard down”: What risks does an earthquake in Peru have for Chile?

“I would not let my guard down”: What risks does an earthquake in Peru have for Chile?
“I would not let my guard down”: What risks does an earthquake in Peru have for Chile?

The geographer explained the seismic scenario for Chile after the recent 7.2 earthquake that affected the Arequipa area in Peru. Is there a danger for Chilean things after the earthquake? Here we tell you.

The geographer Marcelo Lagos spoke before the dangers that could involve for Chile the recent coastal earthquake of magnitude 7.2 that occurred in Arequipa, Peru, where he began by specifying that the tremors related to that area share a seismic threat for the northern territory of national soil.

This was confirmed in With you in the morningafter describing the earthquake in Peru as a “shady event”, However, he specified that he would be incubating a big event for the neighboring country.

But in relation to the consequences that the earthquake could entail, Chilevisión meteorologist Alison Göhler decided to consult Marcelo about what could happen on the Chilean coast.: “Will this earthquake affect us in some way in terms of waves?” he questioned.

What risks does an earthquake in Peru pose for Chile?

“First of all, look at how Peru is oriented towards the Pacific. It faces mainly to the south west, therefore any earthquake that occurs on its coasts and generates a tsunami, The wave train that propagates is heading towards New Zealand, it is not going towards Chileanswered Marcelo Lagos.

“Chile, strictly speaking, is also looking towards the west and for reasons of directivity, we are much more exposed to the earthquake that occurs in Japan, in Russia,” complement.

Along these lines he stated: “Due to directivity issues we are less exposed to the threat of large tsunamis. However, It all depends on the magnitude of the earthquake. In this case, the tide gauges closest to this earthquake revealed a vertical deformation of the water column of a few centimeters.“.

I wouldn’t let my guard down, quite the opposite. The more time passes, the higher the probability of a major event. What is certain is that today’s science cannot say where, when, what magnitude or depth,” he added in relation to Peru.

Finally, the geographer specified that in the central zone of Chile a great telluric movement similar to that of 1730 in Valparaíso.

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