Sáenz met with Francos and is the ninth governor who manages to unblock public works

Sáenz met with Francos and is the ninth governor who manages to unblock public works
Sáenz met with Francos and is the ninth governor who manages to unblock public works

The meeting between Francos and Sáenz also included the participation of the Secretary of the Interior, Lisandro Catalán.

Guillermo Francos has new functions since he left the command of the Ministry of the Interior to take charge of the Chief of Staff after the departure of Nicolas Posse. But a custom remains in the Hall of Shields of his former portfolio on the ground floor of Casa Rosada: the governors closest to the ruling party never stop passing by. The meetings were due, in this case, to the search for agreements with the Executive for the reactivation of public works in each of its territories.

Since Monday of last week the parade of provincial leaders has not stopped. First they were Rogelio Frigerio (Between rivers), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy) and Leandro Zdero (Chaco). Forty-eight hours later it was their turn Martin Llaryora (Cordova), Ignacio Torres (Chubut) and Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén). And the week closed in Tucumán Osvaldo Jaldo.

This week Francos’ activity began with Raul Jalil, from Catamarca. ”We are going to reactivate public works in the province. We signed an agreement for 25 billion pesos that will be used for road, bridge and sewer works while 6.5 billion will be allocated to the continuity of the Comprehensive Housing Plan in different locations in Catamarca. With dialogue and consensus, we will continue working to guarantee the growth and development of our province. @GAFrancosOk”, reflected the Catamarca native in X’s account of him, after his afternoon conclave with the most political minister of the libertarian administration, who is also in charge of bringing together positions for the approval of the Base Law in the Senate, whose vote will take place tomorrow in Congress.

Francos, meeting with Llaryora, the Cordoba president, last week.

The provinces were noticing the various cuts that the Government implemented in their coffers when Milei and the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, the reduction of the fiscal deficit was raised as a central objective. That is why they began to build bridges and try to ensure that at least the most urgent public works, which have some significant progress, can be started again. They consider that the works with 40% completion could be completed with their own funds and that they would also serve as a reactivator of employment.

Among the demands are also resources to meet pension payments through provincial funds, that the National Teacher Incentive Fund that Milei decided to cut be restored and that served, in large part, as an extra incentive for salaries in the teaching sector. and that the Transportation Compensation Fund be restored, the elimination of which causes serious distortions in ticket prices compared to those of the AMBA.

In the meeting with Sáenz, according to what was reported from the Chief of Staff, “the province will be in charge of the conclusion of a set of works that include water, road and school, social, urban and cultural infrastructure projects. For its part, the national government will continue a series of strategic works with a certain degree of progress, as well as the construction, renovation and expansion of initial, primary and secondary school buildings.

The extended meeting of Governor Sáenz and Francos with officials from various areas with whom it was agreed to transfer public works that were paralyzed to the northern province.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Interior, Lisandro Catalán; the secretary of Provinces and Municipalities, Javier Milano; the Secretary of Public Works, Luis Giovine; the Undersecretary of Administrative Management of the Ministry of Education, María Inés Borgin Alba; the head of ENOHSA, Bartolomé Heredia; the Secretary of Territorial Development, Habitat and Housing, Rodrigo Aybar; and the Undersecretary of Habitat and Housing, Santiago Sánchez Sorondo. The Minister of Infrastructure of Salta, Sergio Camacho, was also present.

Sáenz, in turn, published on Twitter some of the agreements he reached during his visit to the Government House. “With the secretary of @ObrasPublicasAR, Luis Enrique Giovine, we agreed to reactivate works on routes that were in progress such as 9/34, the sections of route 51, the Vaqueros bridge and its ring road, the judicial city of Oran, among others. others.”

“With the Undersecretary of Administrative Management of Education, María Inés Brogin Alba, we agreed on the continuity of the works in the schools that were in progress, guaranteeing the reactivation of new buildings such as the Tesla Technical School in Güemes,” he added.

A new visit to Francos del Cordobés is planned for tomorrow Martin Llaryorawho in his previous time at the Casa Rosada, did not sign the agreement for the transfer of works because there were some details to be adjusted with the Cabinet.

“We have our doors open for anyone who wants to come and talk,” said a spokesperson at Balcarce 50. It is still not known if Axel Kiciloff, the governor of Buenos Aires, far from libertarian positions, will request to repeat his claims to Francos. This Tuesday, his Chief of Staff, Carlos Bianco, together with his Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis, and a group of 60 mayors delivered a petition to the Ministry of Economy in which they claimed for a debt of 5.8 billion pesos unfinished works that, they maintain, left the Nation in the province.

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