Cuban Foreign Minister criticizes US sanctions against both countries in Russia (+Photos)

After concluding the bilateral talks with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, the Cuban Foreign Minister in statements to the press argued that in the case of the Caribbean nation the impact of Washington’s measures has been even stronger in recent years.

In this regard, he explained that the inclusion of Havana in the spurious US list of countries that supposedly sponsor terrorism causes severe consequences for financial operations and at the same time slows down national development.

“That is why, with great sensitivity and at the same time firmness, Cuba condemns the unilateral sanctions and opposes the policy of isolation that has been applied against the Russian Federation, even in international organizations,” Rodríguez emphasized. Likewise, he expressed his Government’s rejection of the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization towards the Russian border, a fact that led to the current conflict in Europe, and especially between Moscow and kyiv.

In that sense, the head of Antillean diplomacy advocated for a diplomatic, constructive and realistic solution to the existing crisis in the region, through peaceful means, which guarantee security and sovereignty to all those involved.

The Foreign Minister insisted on the need to achieve regional and international peace and stability.

On the other hand, he classified the dialogue held with Lavrov as useful, developed in an atmosphere of friendship, respect and cordiality, as characterize the state of relations between Cuba and Russia.

On this topic, he stressed that the links have a historical character and a high priority granted by both Governments.

Rodríguez also recognized the success of the recently concluded Brics Ministerial Council, to which he was invited by Lavrov, where the 10 member countries of the bloc and twenty nations related to the principles of the association met.

Space that, in his opinion, served to expose the challenges and perspectives of the Global South, as well as the need for the formation of a multipolar world order.

The Cuban Foreign Minister took the opportunity to congratulate Lavrov and the delegation that accompanied him in the talks, as well as the State, Government and always brother Russian people for celebrating the national holiday of Russia Day on June 12.

The official visit of the Cuban Foreign Minister to the Eurasian giant responds to the invitation made by his Russian counterpart, after his stay in Havana in April 2023, and most recently, on February 19 of this year.

Prior to the bilateral meeting, Rodríguez paid tribute to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro (1926-2016) at the monument erected in his honor in the Moscow district of Sokol, and also laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, space tribute to the heroes and martyrs of the Russian people.

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