Residents of the city of Neuquén will be able to access training from the Province

Residents of the city of Neuquén will be able to access training from the Province
Residents of the city of Neuquén will be able to access training from the Province

There, Governor Figueroa praised the role of neighborhood commissions and their importance in the “Neuquén that is coming.”

The agreement, which will have a duration of two years, It reaches entrepreneurs, young people who are not within the formal economy, employees and people who are within programs or activities carried out by the ministry. And it will allow coordinating joint actions aimed at materializing financial inclusion and diversity training.

The governor highlighted the role of the neighborhood commissions and also thanked and underlined the management of the mayor of Neuquén, Mariano Gaido, by reiterating that it is between all sectors and the different areas of the State that we must continue working.

Neighborhood and provincial agreements

“When you think big, you don’t focus on small things and here we have to play a very big game, because Neuquén is very important, we Neuquéns are very important; the political generosity of the Mayor (Mariano Gaido), to work together to defend Neuquén and also you, the neighborhood commissions, because you have a lot to do and will have a lot to do with what is coming,” he assured.

The president once again put the focus on what the province of Neuquén generates in the rest of the country and he reviewed that “the city of Neuquén is growing more than three times as much as the country is growing; The Vaca Muerta region is growing four times as much as the country is growing and the southern region is growing four times as much as the country is growing,” he said and affirmed that in the face of this scenario that is occurring and that is being considered in the future, he urged all sectors of the community to “work hand in hand to prepare for a phenomenon that is going to come, and that will force us to be competitive.”

The importance of neighborhood communities in Neuquén

Figueroa addressed the representatives of the neighborhood groups and told them that “The work of the neighborhood leader is very important in what is happening, so that we have a direction and that direction, without a doubt, is to defend Neuquén.”

For your partMayor Mariano Gaido, thanked the governor, the provincial Executive and the BPN authorities for “the decision to be close to the neighbors through the neighborhood commissions and the opportunity for them to provide services in different provincial and municipal activities; “We are working together and now, with the measure taken by the governor through Banco Provincia, it will be accompanied by a bonus so that these neighborhood commissions have the opportunity to provide the services they provide in all the neighborhoods of Neuquén.”

neighborhood and province agreements

Also the minister Julieta Corroza celebrated the meeting with the members of the neighborhood commissions and the signing of the agreements. At the same time, he announced that, from the area under his charge, he will work on different actions with these sectors of the community and added that “the people are asking us, and our governor and our mayor are asking us to all and all together to work for the good of the community. So the Ministry of Human Development, local governments and women are available.”

The BPN holderClaudio Gabriel Bosco explained that the agreements seek to regulate all the activities and all the courses that can be provided through the bank and also the Foundation (BPN), to assist in the training and financial inclusion of those neighborhood commissions and all the entities that can work with the bank. “In addition to allowing these trainings and these financial inclusions, it also allows us to subsidize many of the commissions that the bank charges these entities,” he indicated.

Thanks to the agreement, Neighbors will access training and workshops about financial tools, uses, means and payment platforms. In addition to enjoying a bonus benefit from bank commissions for maintaining your accounts between January 2023 and December 2024.

The 45 neighborhoods that are under the coordination of the ministry and participated were: 14 de Octubre/ Copol, Alta Barda, Aníbal Sapere, Altos del Limay, Central East Area, Central West Area, Bardas Soleadas, Barrio Nuevo, Bouquet Roldán, Canal V, Ciudad Industrial , Colonia Rural Nueva Esperanza, Urban Confluencia, Cuenca , Manuel Belgrano, Mariano Moreno, Melipal, United Provinces, Rincón de Emilio, Río Grande, San Lorenzo Norte, San Lorenzo Sur, Santa Genoveva, Terrazas del Neuquén, Valentina Norte Rural, Valentina Norte Urbana, Villa Ceferino, Villa Farrell, Villa Florencia and Villa María.

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