The PPA advances in the dimension of social participation – Ministry of Education

The PPA advances in the dimension of social participation – Ministry of Education
The PPA advances in the dimension of social participation – Ministry of Education

Based on the Provincial Literacy Plan that works on social participation, as one of its most relevant lines, the Secretariat of Educational Management held a meeting with representatives of the Read Foundation in order to coordinate joint actions to strengthen the implementation of the plan in schools and rural communities.

Secretary Federico Medrano, accompanied by the technical advisor, Claudia Echenique, received in his office representatives of the company Tecpetrol, one of the promoters of the project: Pablo Martellotta, corporate manager of Community Relations and Candelaria Gómez Borús, local head of Relationship with the community to work on the development of the Fundación Leer project in the towns of Quebraleñas and Rinconadillas.

During the meeting, Medrano highlighted the sustained work carried out by the organization and highlighted the need to articulate the school with the community to launch strategic alliances with the purpose of enhancing the actions of the PPA in all educational institutions.

About Leer Foundation
Fundación Leer is a non-profit organization created in 1997 with the mission of encouraging reading and promoting literacy among girls, boys and young people in our country. It has developed programs in 23 provinces of the country and the City of Buenos Aires.
On October 4th they will carry out, in our province, the activity called “Between laughter, laughter and ironies. “When humor breaks into literature.”

Tecpetrol in Argentina
Since 2001, the company dedicated to the Exploration and Production of oil and gas, and the Transportation and Distribution of gas; Together with Fundación Leer, it has implemented 86 programs in more than 53 schools in the communities neighboring its fields of Chubut, Neuquén and Salta, gradually extending to other Argentine provinces.


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