Three soldiers injured after attack in Algeria, Cauca; this is known

Three soldiers were injured after a drone attack on the El Pepinal farm, in El Plateado, a rural area of ​​Algeria, in the south of Cauca. The incident occurred around 12:30 noon on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Army sources revealed to Week that “several drones were used in what they describe as the pendulum mode, as they launched at least six grenades in three different attacks, leaving soldiers injured.”

The attack occurred in the rural area of ​​Algeria, Cauca. REFERENCE IMAGE. Vereda Bolivia, Algeria, Cauca. | Photo: Military forces

It is worth mentioning that in this area there is presence of the Carlos Patiño Mobile Column of the FARC dissidents.

“The Specific Command of Cauca is carrying out operations in the area to continue affecting these illegal groups that have the security of the southwestern part of the country in check,” he said. Week.

Military Forces are present in Cauca. | Photo: Courtesy

Six people injured in a motorbike bomb attack in Jamundí

The other five injured include three civilians and two members of the police, a non-commissioned officer and a patrol boat who were carrying out surveillance tasks in the area.

Terrorist attack in Jamundí Valley
Terrorist attack in Jamundí, Valle this Wednesday, June 12. | Photo: Aymer Andrés Álvarez

The explosion, according to a Police report, occurred in the main park of the municipality, diagonal to a Bancolombia headquarters and where a Police CAI is located.

The attack coincided with an attack with rifles against the Potrerito Police substation, Jamundí district.

Terrorist attack in Jamundí Valley
Six people injured in a motorbike bomb attack in Jamundí | Photo: Aymer Andrés Álvarez

For her part, the governor of Valle, Dilian Francisca Toro, in an interview with La FM, also asked for support from the national government, since “it is very difficult for the municipal government and the regional government to face a situation like the one we are seeing.”

*With information from Colpresa and editorial from El País.

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