Councilors echoed the warehouse scandal and asked to investigate Bettina Romero – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Councilors echoed the warehouse scandal and asked to investigate Bettina Romero – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
Councilors echoed the warehouse scandal and asked to investigate Bettina Romero – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

During the Session of the capital’s Deliberative Council yesterday, Wednesday, the person who opened the game was the councilor José García to refer to and repudiate the scandal that surrounds the former mayor Bettina Romero in relation to the former head of the Social Bakery of the Municipality, when she was charge of the commune, and found merchandise that should be destined for social aid that never reached its real destination.

“I never imagined that we would witness such a robbery, such a theft that was carried out by emptying the Social Development warehouses.” In that sense, the councilor recalled that the event had been announced by the mayor Emiliano Durand, as soon as he assumed. “There are dozens of requests that come to the Deliberative Council office, asking for wheelchairs,” he remarked and said that these requests were made to the officials of the Social Development area, during Romero’s administration: “they have denied me in the face, telling me there was nothing to help. Thieves, satraps and scoundrels,” he snapped and added: “It outrages me, because we all know the need that exists on the street.

García also highlighted the nature of the elements found, which were not the property of Luis Emilio Fayon but of the commune: “by not belonging to them it turns them into thieves, rats, criminals, scoundrels,” he insisted with indignation: “because of acts like these, people are tired of politics,” he maintained and asserted vehemently, “it fills me with shame”. On the other hand, the capital legislator referred to the investigation and the names that appear there as responsible, pointing “to the lack of clarity” about the roles that each one played at that time. Furthermore, García denounced that those involved “operate for the La Libertad Avanza scheme, it is the most chaste caste that Salta has and it is the one that worked for you (addressing President Milei) to be president of the Nation.” Finally, García based his indignation on the insistent denials of his efforts during the Romero administration, for wheelchairs, food, badges, etc.: “they take you for an idiot,” he said.

Eliana Chuchuy, in his speech he defined the events as “the worst looting that has been carried out in the history of Salta, directed and attacking the people who needed it most” and stressed that “this looting comes from the hand of those who have been using politics for years.” and they make bad practices out of politics, and they take them, and they are habitual.” The mayor also warned about the existence of more irregularities surrounding the former mayor, despite her exacerbated attempts to distance herself from responsibilities and even relationships: “There are more investigations, there are summaries open to former officials, they are not isolated events.” , he insisted. Chuchuy spoke of “a looting” of the quality of life of the people of Salta, especially those in a state of vulnerability: “this is unforgivable, it is not enough to sit in a single environment, there are other people,” and asked for explanations from all those responsible. before justice and in all commands. “We can’t stop talking about this topic.”

Guillermo Kripper, in speaking, told the story of a permit holder who was unable to access essential materials to advance in the construction of part of her home. In addition, she made reference to the archival statements of the former coordinator Aroldo Tonini, who confirmed to the media: “that the warehouses were proudly empty.” “They fucked up a lot of neighbors who are disillusioned with politics,” the councilor launched and emphatically asked “that justice be done.”

The concilor Gustavo Farquharson He also referred to the raid on the Fayón warehouses and celebrated the actions of the Salta justice system. He recalled the origins of the complaint, from the transition of the authorities. “It demonstrates the conception of the State and public resources,” he said and insisted on the need to cite the officials involved in the investigation being carried out, specifically referring to Aroldo Tonini.

Juan Esteban Romero, provincial deputy and brother of Bettina Romero

“An isolated event”

Following the line of the statements of Bettina Romerohis brother, the deputy Stephen Romero He referred to the scandal that reached national significance and also distanced himself from Fayón and those involved.

“The truth is, with great disappointment, it is a reprehensible fact to find this type of merchandise in the house of an official. It is at the disposal of Justice; Justice must reach the ultimate consequences,” said the legislator when asked.

“His grandfather was my grandmother’s first cousin,” said Juan Esteban, clarifying the relationship that unites them, and insisted in his defense about his connection with Fayón: “Disillusioned, he is a person with whom we have worked together for quite some time and is a “Totally regrettable fact, it is an isolated incident, we will have to see what he declares and we will see how it continues.”

Likewise, the deputy explained that, after the raids, he was able to speak with Fayón and, although he did not want to go into details of what happened during the talk – “I did not ask for explanations,” he said -, he asked him to appear in court.

Meanwhile, Juan Esteban considered that the incident does not involve the last name Romero since it is municipal ex-management officials who are being investigated by Justice.

“Officials have obligations and responsibilities, they have to show their faces. They are going to have to give explanations,” she attacked.

Finally, the provincial legislator warned that he was never an official nor of his father – the national senator. Juan Carlos Romero – nor from his sister in the capital’s mayor, however, he acknowledged that, due to his position as a deputy, he receives requests for help.

“Just as the Province delivers merchandise, I delivered merchandise from the provincial government and the municipal government,” he concluded.

Draft ordinance

The councilor, Agustina Álvarez Eichele (JxC), in his speech at the Deliberative Council, stated: “Salta once again makes news at the national level, unfortunately not because of a positive fact but because of a situation of corruption. It is unfortunate to see how officials, instead of serving the people, serve the people.” “I am working on an Ordinance Project to prevent these types of situations. If we want transparency, control and that these types of issues do not continue to happen, as councilors we have to work and create tools to try to follow up on these types of issues. and that the resources reach the citizens and do not stay in the officials’ homes,” he concluded.

“A shame”

In “Open Agenda” with the leadership of Daniel Gutierrezthe president of the Deliberative Council of Salta, Dario Madilereferred to the judicial scandal that broke out and closely affects the management of former mayor Bettina Romero after the emptying of municipal warehouses last December, just 48 hours after the former mayor left office.

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“It is sad and a shame,” said Madile, and in turn, maintained that these types of events “make people later disbelieve and angry with politics,” and that it leads them to look for “totally different alternatives.”

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