A Revolution that listens to its young people (+ Video) › Cuba › Granma

A Revolution that listens to its young people (+ Video) › Cuba › Granma
A Revolution that listens to its young people (+ Video) › Cuba › Granma

Think, put intelligence to the main issues that challenge the nation today. That was the essential invitation made by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, to the youth and student leaders who this Wednesday morning held a meeting with the leadership from the country.

“You have presented a group of topics that are very interesting, which we must take a look at and work on based on them,” said the Head of State, who recalled that this type of exchange allows us to see where the agreements are going. the last two congresses of the Federation of Secondary Education Students (feem), and of the University Student Federation (feu).

«We keep seeing each other; and we will be seeing each other, at least, every month. “Okay?”, expressed the president towards the end of a day that adds up, in the style of incessant exchanges sustained by the country’s leadership with organizations, institutions, entities and Cubans that make resistance possible in the Greater Antilles.

“You are already part of the present and the future of the country, and we are living in very hard times, but very hard times fuel, shape, strengthen,” the dignitary told them.

Díaz-Canel reflected, before his interlocutors – who had already addressed various issues that concern and mobilize Cubans in the youth and student world –: «Those of us who live through difficult times like these, and get ahead in these difficult times, are going to come out stronger. , we are going to emerge with more capacity to continue defending the Revolution.

«Therefore, take advantage of this time, which is also a time for young people. And by contributing, they later feel the joy that they defended the Revolution, that they managed to defend the Revolution and maintain the Revolution in one of the most difficult, most challenging, most complex times.

Regarding that choice of struggle, the Cuban President emphasized: «That will remain with us as a satisfaction for a lifetime, as a legacy for a lifetime; and then you will be in very good conditions to later occupy the positions, the main responsibilities in all the processes of the country.

These were the words, with firmness and long light, towards the end of a morning that also included the presence of the member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Roberto Morales Ojeda; of the vice prime minister, Jorge Luis Perdomo

Di-Lella; as well as the first

secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists (ujc), Meyvis Estévez Echavarría; the president of the feu, Ricardo Rodríguez González; from the president of the feem, Amanda Santos Viamonte; and other youth and student leaders.

It was an exchange marked by transparency and intelligence, in which youth and student leaders addressed issues that concern and occupy them, such as teenage pregnancy; drug use; the physical and spiritual conditions in which a student makes his way through his teaching tasks; the need to identify contemporaries who live in vulnerable situations; the ways of working in greater alliance with institutions from which young people can have better development; and social aspects that deserve agile and comprehensive attention, such as student employment.

On this last topic, those who spoke agreed that it is a reality of these times, when many young university students make the decision to enter the world of work while they advance in their studies, motivated by the interest of helping themselves and their families. families.

This is an issue that the feu has on its agenda, an organization that seeks the best in academic indexes, while ensuring that young people do not get involved without having job guarantees. At the meeting it was stated, for example, that University Employment Fairs have already taken place at the University of Havana, and that is something that is worth amplifying to the country.

In general sense, the spirit was to draw up strategies from youth and student organizations, which strengthen links with

all spaces of the framework

social, from which decisions are made that have a positive impact on new generations.


Once the meeting was over, we reporters were able to gather the feelings of leaders who participated on behalf of the young people and students. Meyvis Estévez highlighted the value of the exchange, as he alluded to internal processes of the organizations, and also spoke about aspirations and “life projects of our young people.”

For her part, Amanda Santos highlighted the importance of preparing future university students vocationally, spoke of working more and more cohesively with the feu, and emphasized social projection, “and everything that the President is asking of us in that sense ».

“Not all young people in the world have the possibility of talking face to face with the President of the Republic, with the leader of the nation,” stressed Ricardo Rodríguez, who valued that, “in the case of the University Student Federation, since Since the Tenth Congress of the organization was held, the President has maintained, by work system, monitoring the agreements.


As in a good classroom, with the tone that can be used in the heart of a family, the President

Díaz-Canel spoke to young people about the importance of “understanding the world we live in” as a premise for taking positions.

It is a world, he said, full of uncertainty, sick with consumerism that threatens the human species; It is a planet in which – he reasoned – capitalism, in 200 years, has not been able to solve the most pressing problems.

Regarding the threatened peace, the Head of State lamented that “in today’s world everything is resolved with war,” that imperialism fuels it, and that what prevails are the double standards that show concern for a conflict in Europe, but that ignore episodes of extermination like that of Palestine.

“There is a need to change the international economic order,” the President told the young people, “and that has to be part of your concerns. That is why we have principles of solidarity, altruism, and internationalism. “They are very important in training to understand this world, and to understand then that the alternative is socialism.”

To his valued interlocutors, the Head of State said: «In Cuba, socialism has not failed. “What happens is that they have been blocking our way since we wanted to build that socialism.”

Intensified blockade; imperial strategy; the necessary comprehensive general culture of which Fidel spoke; the importance of “having critical thinking” in the face of all reality; current priorities of the country, the value of the New Man, that Guevarian model. The dignitary spoke about such topics. And he said: “My greatest passion, my greatest aspiration at the current time is that we, all of us, are able to overcome the intensified blockade, and move to a better situation as a country.”

At another point in the meeting, he defined that “the construction of socialism is a battle of ideas, it is a battle of defense of ideas, and of conscience; and the aspiration is that people are not distinguished by the material properties they have or by their wealth, but that people are distinguished by knowledge, by their culture, and by their contributions; and in the case of students, they must be young humanists, revolutionaries, who understand the situation of the world, who are supportive, who understand the situation of the country, who participate, who contribute.

What do we say about you? asked Díaz-Canel Bermúdez. And he shared this idea in response: “That we must treat them as the important people they are in our society.”

After sharing various concepts, he spoke about continuing the exchanges, because the objective is “to continue strengthening the unity between us, to continue demonstrating that the country and the Revolution listen to the young people, listen to the students,” without which, he said, we would not decisions are made, laws or policies are not conceived that do not include them and keep them in mind.

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